Issue 35 |
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Wednesday, 01 March 2017 15:36 |
Purpose. The purpose of the article is a complex evaluation of the world SPA-toutism industry in terms of six key destination.
Methods. Methodical basic concepts concluded synthesis and analysis of reported and statistical information collected by the authors, at the same time tabular and cartographical methods were used.
Results. Characteristics of the key SPA-tourism destinations was accomplished by the example of the most famous centres in Bulgaria, Germany, France, the Czech Republic, Israel and Jordan.
Scientific novelty consists of complex characteristics of SPA-tourism mentioned - above countries and its related to resources base discovery
The practical significance research is defined by its necessity for practical developmentof tourist business as information reason for SPA-tourism formation.
Keywords: SPA-tourism, SPA-resort, health-related tourism, thalassotherapy, balneology.
1.Aleksandrova A.U. International tourism: Textbook / A.U. Aleksandrova. - 2nd ed. rev. and add. - Moscow: KNORUS, 2010. - 464 p.
2.Babkyn A. V. Special types of tourism. Uchebnoe posobye / A.V. Babkyn. - Rostov-on-Don: Soviet sport, 2008. - 117 p.
3.Byrzhakov M.B. Introduction to tourism. / M.B. Byrzhakov. - M-Petersburg.: "Heard Publishing Home", 2001. - 320 p.
4.Kuskov A.S., Lisykova A.V. Kurortolohyya and health tourism. / A.S. Kuskov, A.V. Lisykova - Rostov: Phoenix, 2004.
5.Lyubitseva O.O. Market of tourist services: Training. Ref. / O.O. Lyubitseva - K .: Alterpres, 2002. - 232 p.
6.Malska M.P., Gamkalo M.Z., Bordun O.U. Tourist geography: Europe / M.P. Malska, M.Z. Gamkalo., O.U. Bordun - K .: TSUL, 2009. - 224 p.
7.Mironov Y.B. Marketing in tourism: Lecture. / Y.B. Mironov - K .: Fundamentals, 2004.
8.Smirnov I.G. Sophia Witt-Potocka and its contribution to tourism development in Ukraine in the context of EURO 2012 / I.G. Smirnov // Geography and tourism. - 2011-Vol.14.
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10.Sokolov M.V. The history of tourism. Uchebnoe posobye / M.V. Sokolov - M .: Mastery, 2002. - 352 p.
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Purpose. The determination of features of forming the contract on tourism services between tourism enterprises and consumers of tourism services, the definition of the main subjects and the essential conditions of such agreement.
Methods. The contract on tourism services is considered as one of the unique legal means, in which the interests of one side can be satisfied only by satisfying the interests of other side. This fact creates a common interest in the formation and proper execution of the contract. The contract is considered the important regulator of the actual behavior of its members, because it directly determines the mutual rights and obligations of sides during the legal relationship.
Results. The contract on tourism services is a key element in the organization of travelling. The correctness of its findings affects largely in the future on the leisure of tourist. The traveler is necessary to carefully examine the contract which is provided by tourism enterprises and, if necessary, to insist on its adjustment. The text of the contract must describe the volume, conditions and quality of services, payment and settlement, the period of validity, the rights and obligations of the sides, their responsibility for any failure to perform contract.
Scientific novelty. The author as one of the first has identified the problems of legal regulation of contractual relations in the domestic tourism industry; he has also established the important role played by the contract on tourism services in the process of interaction between tourism enterprises and consumers of tourism services.
Practical significance. The findings and recommendations have also aside from theoretical the practical importance, since they can be used to further improve the system of legal regulation of tourism relations in Ukraine, as well as in the educational process during the study of specific professional disciplines.
Key words: tourism services, tourism enterprises, civil-legal regulation, consumers protection, contract on tourism services.
1.Kozlovskyi E. V. Legal regulation of tourism: tutorial / E. V. Kozlovskyi. – K .: Publishing House "Center of Educational Literature", 2015. – 272 p.
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The goal of this paper is an exposure of tendencies at the market of Ukrainian-Romanian transboundary tourism that envisages the analysis of statistical indexes of the Ukrainian-Romanian tourist streams.
Methodology of work consisted in systematization and synthesis of statistical data in relation to the indexes of tourist streams between Ukraine and Romania. Their structure and dynamics are analysed.
Results. Processes and dynamics of transboundary collaboration of Ukraine and Romania are investigational in industry of tourism. Basic attention is spared to the analysis of dynamics of tourist streams between Ukraine and Romania for 3 last the. The indexes of outbound and entrance tourism of Ukraine and Romania are analysed, modern tendencies at the market of tourist services within the framework of transboundary collaboration. Basic obstacles, prospects and advantages of transboundary collaboration, are certain between Ukraine and Romania in industry of tourism.
The scientific novelty of work is an analysis of tendencies of transboundary tourist streams of Ukraine-Romania at the international tourist market.
Practical meaningfulness of research consists in possibility of introduction of the got results in development of regional strategies and programs of development of tourism.
Keywords: transboundary tourism, transboundary region, transboundary collaboration, European region, tourist streams, inbound tourism, outbound tourism.
1. Buchko Zh. Transkordonnyi turyzm u konteksti yevrointehratsii Ukrainy / Zh. Buchko // Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu: zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Chernivtsi: Chernivetskyi nats. un-t, 2015. Vyp. 744-745: Heohrafiia.– S. 109-111.
2. Efros V. Dosvid realizatsii transkordonnykh proektiv u haluzi turyzmu na Bukovyni / V. Efros, Zh.I. Buchko, V.P. Rudenko // Heohrafiia, ekolohiia, turyzm: teoriia, metodolohiia, praktyka/ Materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii, prysviachenoi 25-richchiu heohrafichnoho fakultetu Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho pedahohichnoho universytetu imeni Volodymyra Hnatiuka.- Ternopil, SMP «Taip», 2015.- 404 s.- S. 307-309.
3. Kyfiak V. Funktsionuvannia yevrorehionu „Verkhnii Prut” ta yoho rol v intehratsiinykh protsesakh Ukrainy / V. Kyfiak // Ekonomika Ukrainy. - 2008. - № 6. - S. 65-72.
4. Mikula N. Mizhterytorialne ta transkordonne spivrobitnytstvo: Monohrafiia / N. Mikula. – Lviv: IRD NAN Ukrainy, 2004. – 395 s.
5. Purych Sh. Rumyno-ukraynskoe transhranychnoe sotrudnychestvo. Shahy k dobrososedstvu / Shtefan Purych // Viche. - 2007. - № 6. - S. 74-87.
6. Rozvytok transkordonnoho spivrobitnytstva: naukovo-analitychna dopovid / NAN Ukrainy. DU «Instytut rehionalnykh doslidzhen imeni M. I. Dolishnoho NAN Ukrainy» ; nauk. redaktor V.S. Kravtsiv. – Lviv, 2016. – 125 s.
7. Statystychna informatsiia. Turyzm // Ofitsiinyi sait Derzhavnoi sluzhby statystyky Ukrainy [Elektronnyi resurs]. – Rezhym dostupu:
The aim of the research – to analyze the features of the territorial organization of the Kenya’s national parks network and identify the main types of tourist-recreational activity in their borders.
Results, their scientific novelty and practical value. In the article the territorial organization of the Kenya’s national parks network is analyzed. The map of the Kenya’s national parks is compiled and is proposed the brief characteristic of their network, which partially can be used for the composition of the regional geography characteristics of Kenya as a whole.
Key words: protected areas, national park, tourism, recreation.
1.World Atlas / Translation english edition Collins World Atlas. – Kyiv, 2005.
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Purpose of the article is the disclosure of the features of the Kenya’s traditional culture as a basis for development of ethnic tourism.
Method. Methodical bases of research consisted in the analysis and synthesis of information collected. With its processing as tabular method used and the method of comparison.
Results. Studied the Kenya’s traditional culture as a resource base for development of ethnic tourism. Completed characterization of the main ethnic groups of the country, followed the history of culture, analyzed the relationship between Kenya and European countries on Culture behavior of locals and tourists, the place of ethnic tourism in the species structure of tourism in Kenya.
Scientific novelty consists in a detailed analysis of Kenya's traditional culture as the basis for development of ethnic tourism.
The practical significance of the study determined the need of knowledge on traditional culture of Kenya to develop a combined tours to this country and their supply in Ukraine.
Key words: Kenya, culture, traditions, ethnic tourism.
1. Kotlyarchuk A. Mombasa. Between savannah and ocean / A. Kotlyarchuk // International tourism. - 2011 - August - 4 September (100). - S. 68 - 74.
2. Maslyak PA Country. Textbook / PA Maslyak - K .: Knowledge, 2008. - 292 p.
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4. Hartley J. This is Kenya / J. Hartley. Amsterdam: - NewHolland Publishing, 2005. - 178 p.
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Purpose. The article reveals the major trends of agritourism in Ukraine and innovative types of travel activities for domestic practice.
Methods. In the course of studies has used an abstract logical method that allowed to reveal the theoretical aspects of agritourism and identify the main types of tourism activities related with it. The system-structural method used to determine the possibility of providing these services in agro dwellings Ukraine.
Results. Investigated foreign experience of agritourism activities. Analyzed innovative directions of agritourism in Ukraine, presented feasibility of the introduction of new agro entertainments in view of economic efficiency and existing natural resource potential of Ukraine.
Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty lies in the justification expediency of expansion of agricultural services in Ukraine.
Keywords: agritourism, agro entertainment, agritourism services, activity, labyrinth of corn.
1.Tkachenko, T.I. Sustainably advancement of tourism: theory, methodology , the realities of business: monograph / T.I. Tkachenko. - 2nd ed., revised and supplemented. - K .: Kyiv national university of trade and economics, 2009. - 463p.
2.Gerasymenko, V.G. Agricultural tourism as a form of enterprise: monograph / V.G. Gerasymenko, S.G. Nezdoyminov. - Odessa: PALMYRA, 2011. - 178 p.
3.Zinko, Y.V. Innovative forms of activities in the rural tourism and agrotourism / Y.V. Zinko, M.I. Rutynskyy, P.A. Gorishevskyy // Scientific bulletin of National Agricultural University of Ukraine. - 2011. - Vol. 163 - Part 1. - P. 30-38
4.Bondar V.V. Ecotourism as a form of diversification of agricultural entrepreneurship / V.V. Bondar, Y.L. Ganzha // Bulletin of Chernihiv State Technological University. - 2012. - №4 (62). - P. 113-119
5.Garbar, G. Trends of rural tourism advancement in Ukraine / G. Garbar [electronic resource] // Bulletin of the Institute of Child Development. Series.: Philosophy, pedagogy, psychology. - 2013. - Vol. 30. - P. 5-10. - Journal access mode : - The name of the screen;
6.Rutynskyy, M.I. International experience of organization rural tourism / M.I.Rutynskyy, Y.V. Zinko // Geography and tourism, collection of scientific papers [Editorial Board: Y.B.Oliynyk (executive editor) and others.] - C .: Alterpres. - 2010 - Vol. 5. - P. 55-58.
7.Rusan, V.M. As for ways to improve the efficiency of using agricultural land in Ukraine. Policy Brief: [electronic resource]. - Access mode: - The name of the screen;
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Purpose. The purpose of the article is the interpretation of conditions, problems and prospects of war tourism development in Ukraine, based on foreign experience. Methods. Methodical basic concepts concluded synthesis and analysis of relevant published and Internet resources using cartographical method.
Results. Characteristics of the current conditions of war tourism function in terms of foreign experience, highlighted problems and covered development prospects of this type of tourism, in particular a tour «Fortification Ukraine» was offered.
Scientific novelty consists of analysis real conditions of war tourism development in Ukraine in comparison with foreign experience.
The practical significance means that this work can be a reference for writing popular scientific articles, which would draw society`s attention to war tourism.
Keywords: war tourism, military tour, military-tourism, fortifications.
1.Hrusovsky M., Noeres K. Military tourism. - The long tail of tourism: holiday niches and their impact on mainstream tourism. - Wiesbaden: Gabler, ISBN 978-3-8349-3062-0. - 2011, - p. 87-94.
2.Vynnychenko I. Vidpochynok v styli «militari» [The rest in military style] // Urjadovyj kurjer [Government Courier], electronic journal. - 2010 - 2 April. - P. 19.
3.Klyap M.P. Suchasni riznovydy turyzmu [Modern types of tourism]: Textbook / M.P. Klyap, F.F. Shandor. – K., 2013. – 334 pp.
4.Lyubitseva O.O. Turyzmoznavstvo: vstup do fakhu [Knowledge of tourism: an introduction to the profession]: Textbook / Lyubitseva O.O., Babarytska V.K. - K.: Publishing and Printing Center "Kyiv University", 2008. - 335 p.
5.Chykaylo Y.I. Viiskovo-istorychni muzei Ukrainy, yak obiekty viiskovoho turyzmu (na prykladi mista Lvova) [Military History Museums of Ukraine, as objects of military tourism (on the example of Lviv)] / Y.I. Chykaylo, V.A. Stadnytska, I.M. Voloshin // Geography and Tourism: The collection of scientific works - Kyiv, 2015. - Vol. no. 32 - P. 74 - 85.
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7.Vynnychenko I. Chym zavynyv voiennyi turyzm [What the fault of war tourism is] //Economichna pravda [The economic truth], electronic journal. - 2013 - July 22 [Electronic resource]. - Access:
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10.Melnyk A.V. Nestandartni vydy turyzmu: osoblyvosti funktsionuvannia viiskovoho turyzmu [Non-standard types of tourism: features of functioning of military tourism]// Zbirnyk naukovykh prats Viiskovoho instytutu Kyivskoho natsionalnoho universytetu imeni Tarasa Shevchenka [The collection of scientific works of the Military Institute Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv]. – Kiev.: VIKNU, 2001. – Vol. no. 33. – P. 350-353. [Electronic resource]. - Access:
11.Menor E. Na Zakarpatti rozrobliaiutsia novi marshruty z viiskovoho turyzmu [New routes of military tourism are developed], electronic journal [Electronic resource]. - Access:
12.One of the most protected tanks in the world had been showed to the President [Electronic resource]. - Access:
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14.Ryabova S. Voennyy turizm v Ukraine: boi bez pravil [Military tourism in Ukraine: fights without rules], electronic journal [Electronic resource]. - Access:
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Objective: Identify and assess the existing recreational and tourist base for tourism development. Analyze the territorial peculiarities of spreading of natural and recreational resources of the natural component (the Bukovynian Carpathians) for the subsequent selection of territories of the priority development of tourism.
Methods: Analysis of quantitative indicators and areas allows us to trace the territorial peculiarities of spreading of natural and recreational resources. The ranking by ratings of these indicators was the basis for the selection of levels availability of natural RTR. Results: Features of the territorial organization of natural recreation and tourists resources (RTR) are defined. Indicators of number of natural recreation and tourist facilities, floor space, density of the territory and protected areas have been used for spatial analysis. Availability of the region of research by natural RTR on the basis of the rating analysis of these indicators was determined. 7 intervals such availability are allocated.
Scientific novelty: For the first time in a cut of rural and township councils of Bukovynian Carpathians analysis of the territorial organization of recreational and tourist resources. On the basis of the rating analysis are highlighted priority areas for tourism development.
Practical significance: The results of the spatial analysis of the resource base can be used to develop a concept for the development of recreation and tourism of the regional level. And also provide the basis for the creation of attractive investment programs of construction of tourist complexes for various purposes.
Keywords: natural recreation and tourist resources, the availability of natural recreation and tourist resources, recreational and tourist site.
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Aim.A research aim is a study of tourist potential of Оstrogof district of the Rivne area and analysis of problems andprospects of his use in tourist activity.
Methodology. Duringrealization ofthe advanced study the next methods of publicly-geographical researches were used: cartographic,comparative, supervision, generalization, analysis and synthesis.
Results. Theoretical bases of research of historical and cultural tourist recreational potential of Оstrog of district of the Rivne area are in-process found out. Done estimation of historical and cultural recreational-tourist objects city Fish-fork and Оstrog of district on thewhole. Certain problems and prospects of tourist-recreational potential of region.
Scientific novelty.A scientific novelty consistsin application of approach of the systems to the estimation ofhistorical and cultural recreational-tourist resources of Оstrog of district of the Rivne area.
Practical meaningfulness.Research results can be drawn on in an educational processat teaching of row of geographical and tourist disciplines and applied in process organs of local self-government at program of socio-economic development of territory development.
Key words: tourist resources, historical and cultural sight, tourist-recreational potential.
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Purpose. To make analysis of tourist and recreational complex in Lokachynskiy district for conducting SWOT- analysis in order to identify opportunities for the development of recreation and tourism.
Methodology. Comprehensive and systematic approach, particularly statistical, comparative-descriptive methods and SWOT- analysis were used in the research.
Results. The natural, recreational, historico-cultural potential and the socio- economic situation in the region were analyzed as an important factors of recreation and tourism. The prospects of development of cultural, educational, agricultural tourism and hiking were outlined. The most important factors of internal (strengths, weaknesses) and external environment (opportunities, threats) were analyzed. These factors can contribute to the development of tourism and recreational activity in the area. The problems that hamper the development of this industry were characterized.
Scientific novelty. SWOT-analysis of recreation and tourism in the Volyn region, particularly in Lokachynskiy district, has been conducted first time.
The practical significance. This method can be used for evaluating perspective areas of recreation and tourism in different parts of the region. It can also identify not only their ability but all available advantages over competitors.
Keywords: SWOT- analysis, recreation, tourism, complex, historico-cultural resources.
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The aim of the paper is to evaluate the resources of lake`s sapropel in Volyn region suitable for use in the recreational and health resort activities as therapeutic peloids.
Methodology of the research is based on a combination of such scientific methods and techniques: comparison, generalization, systematization, analysis, synthesis, induction and deduction. The work includes the results of authors` researches and stock materials of Kyiv geological survey expedition.
Results. The publication gives data on quantitative characteristics of sapropel resources in Volyn region. Examined the prospects of using Lake`s sapropel area in health resort activity. The analysis shows that the Volyn region has significant reserves of sapropel suitable for use in the recreational and health resort activities. Approximate resources of therapeutic sapropel is 20,490.9 tons of low organic and organo-silicate class. In Shatsky administrative district was found 108,832.0 thousand m3 of sapropel, which physical and chemical properties meet the requirements for recreational and health resort activities. Based on the research of local and foreign scientists the therapeutic effect of using sapropel mud was examined; proved the importance and need for further research in the context of sustainable development of the region.
Scientific novelty consists in clarification of the prospects of using lake`s sapropel in the recreational and health resort activities of the region. Potential reserves of lake`s sapropel mud suitable for use in the recreational and health resort sector were determined for the first time.
The practical significance is the possibility of using systematic material of lake`s sapropel in Volyn region, as a key factor in the development of curative tourism in the region. Materials of the article could be used to promote and popularize the therapeutic sapropel in Volyn region on the market of recreational and health services.
Keywords: sapropel, mud, recreation and health resort activities, Volyn region.
1. Antonov I. P. Main results and future issues of the medical use of sapropel muds / I. P. Antonov, E. S. Kashitsky, J. S. Sikorskaya // Problems of use the sediments in national economy: a scien. conf. – Minsk, 1981. – P. 146–148. (in russian).
2. Ilyin L. V. Limnocomplexes of Ukrainian Polyssia. In 2 t. T. 1: Natural and geographical bases of research and regional laws / L. V. Ilyin. – Lutsk: Volyn National University by Lesia Ukrainka Publishing center «Vezha», 2008. – 316 p. (in ukrainian).
3. Ilyin L. V. Limnocomplexes of Ukrainian Polyssia. In 2 t. T. 2: Regional features and optimization / L. V. Ilyin. – Lutsk: Volyn National University by Lesia Ukrainka Publishing center «Vezha», 2008. – 400 p. (in ukrainian).
4. Ilyin L. V. Volyn Lakes: Limnological and geographical characteristics / L. V. Ilyin, Y. A. Molchak. – Lutsk: Nadstirya, 2000. – 140 p. (in ukrainian).
5. Kalinowskiy D. I. Sediments of natural reservoirs of Volyn region and the prospects for their use in the recreation / D. I. Kalinowskiy, L. V. Ilyin // Culture of the humanity by Black sea coast: a scientific journal. – 2009. – Vol. 176. – P. 120–122. (in ukrainian).
6. Nikipelova A. N. Verification technology guide peloids and preparations based there on. Part 1. Physico-chemical studies / A. N. Nikipelova., L. B. Solodova. – Ukrainian Research Institute of Medical Rehabilitation and Health Resort. – Odessa: 2008 – 100 p. (in ukrainian).
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8. Puntus F. A. Therapeutic sapropel mud as a raw material for medicinal and cosmetic ingredients / F. A. Puntus, A. F. Puntus // Cosmetic products and raw materials: safety and efficiency. – Moskow, 1999. – P. 22–24. (in russian).
9. Holopov A. P. Mud therapy / A. P. Holopov, V. A. Shashel, Y. M. Perov, V. P. Nastenko. – Krasnodar: Kuban Periodics, 2003. – 283 p. (in russian).
10. Shevchuk M. J. Sapropels of Ukraine: quality stocks and prospects / M. J. Shevchuk. – Lutsk: Nadstirya, 1996. – 384 p. (in ukrainian).
11. Shtin S. M. Lake sediments and their comprehensive development / S. M. Shtin. – Moskow: Publishing house of the Moscow State Mining University, 2005. – 373 p. (in russian).
Aim. The aim of the publication consists in investigation of Norwegian experience in development of fishing tourism, in forecasting of future fishing tourism development in Ukraine as well as in substantiation of rational fishing tourism development in Bakota Bay of Dniester river (Khmelnytsky region).
Methods. Methods of scientific generalizations, analogies, analysis and synthesis, comparative-geographic analysis, the study of the key objects as well as method of observation were used to achieve the aim of this publication.
Results. The opportunities and prospect development of fishing tourism in Bakota Bay of Dniester river based on Norwegian experience are disclosed. The resources of fishing tourism destinations’ development are investigated. The modern usage of above mentioned resources is determined. The current state of fishing tourism as well as different restrictions of its development is explored. The possibilities of Norwegian experience usage in Ukrainian fishing tourism development are highlighted. The different approaches to market segmentation of fishing tourism services based on geographical, socio-demographic as well as psychographic characteristics are proposed. The measures of fishing tourism development in Ukraine as well as in Bakota Bay of Dniester river are substantiated.
Scientific novelty. Scientific investigations devoted to foreign experience usage in fishing tourism development in Ukraine are pioneer conducted. The analysis of Norwegian experience in development of fishing tourism in Ukraine as well as in Bakota Bay of Dniester river is characterized by scientific novelty and urgency. This analysis has no analogues among native and foreign publications.
The practical significance. The received results can be used by local authorities of Khmelnitsky region, directors of the National Natural Park "Podilsky Tovtry" as well as by different businessmen for development of fishing tourism in Bakota Bay.
Key words: fishing tourism, Bakota Bay, National Environmental park “Podilski Tovtry”, Norwegian experience.
1.Belouschenko Y.A. Diversification of enterprises, ensuring the development of fishing tourism / Y.A. Belouschenko. // Tavriya V.I. Vernadsky National University, 2010. - [Electronic resource]. - Access:
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4.Lyubinska L.H. Bakota Bay. / L.H. Lyubinska // National Park "Podolski Tovtry". - [Electronic resource]. – Access:
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Purpose. This article is intended to outline the problems of restaurants of Kyiv agglomeration through public opinion, including territorial problems.
Methods. The article is based on the results of a poll conducted by the author. The provided analysis of responses takes into account the differences by gender, income and age of the respondents.
Results. Results of the study reveal common trends and differences in consumption of restaurants services in Kyiv agglomeration. They are also describe the attitude of respondents to the latest trends in the industry, consumer activity in the industry, and outline the problem of territorial concentration of enterprises within the metropolitan area. Results can demonstrate gaps and requirements of development and can serve as a basis for developing of strategies of restaurant facilities of the capital.
Scientific novelty and the practical significance. The study includes previously unexplored questions and can be interesting for the auditory exploring the modern aspects of business, including its regional peculiarities and conditions in the urban environment.
Keywords: restaurant facilities, the poll, Kyiv agglomeration.
1. Verbec V.V. Metodika organìzacìï ta provedennâ socìologìčnogo doslìdžennâ: Navčalno-metodičnij posìbnik.[Methods of organization and conducting of the survey: Instructor's Manual.] / V.Verbec.– Berezno. – 2008. – 231 c.
2. Dvorecka G.V. Socìologìâ: Navč. posìbnik.[Sociology: Handbook.] / Dvorecka G.V. – Vid 2- ge, pererob. ì dop. – K.: KNEU, 2002. – 472 s.
3. Pìč V.M. Socìologìâ: Pìdručnik. [Sociology: Handbook.] / Za redakcìêû V.M.Pìčì. – Lvìv: «Novij Svìt-2000», 2004. – 277 s.
The goal: to study and analyze the prospects for the development of new types of tourism within the Volyn borderland.
Methods: various authors and researchers in publications on the pages of periodicals and internet resources studied conditions and factors, characteristics, problems and prospects of tourism development in the Volyn region. However, despite the importance of studying the features of tourism in Volyn region development and its increasing potential, this topic is not explored by domestic science. The main methods used in the study were systematic method, analysis and synthesis, historical, method of comparison and prediction, and others.
Results: as a result of the study it was found that the tourist industry in Volyn region is poorly developed today. Nevertheless one of the tasks of Ukraine development at the present stage is the implementation and use of different types of tourism on its territory and within its border regions. Expansion of international relations offers a great opportunity to promote the national tourist product to the world market, involving to the world information space, developing tourism activities. That is why the development of tourism and creating of favorable conditions for its implementation is one of the key tasks of the state.
Scientific novelty: the authors proposed and theoretically justified the construction of hotel and restaurant complex of tourist destination and studied the possibility of different types of tourism using in the village Khvorostiv in Lyubomlsky district of Volyn region. It was discovered and justified that such kinds of tourism as sports, educational, apitourism, cultural, educational, entertainment, health and wellness, business can be organized within the proposed territory.
The practical significance: practical implementation of the author's proposals will have a positive impact on increasing of tourism potential of Volyn region and create favorable preconditions for socio-economic development of the border territory.
Keywords: tourism, type of tourism, tourism potential, Volyn region, v. Khvorostiv.
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Goal. To investigate the role of the shadow economy in the socio-economic relations in the economic crisis.
Method. The study uses an analytical method for assessing the socio-geographical changes on the example of the economic crisis. The main provisions of the methodology was to identify economic and social changes in the labor market, small businesses and their interdependent influence on the occurrence and progression of the shadow economy.
Results. It was determined assumptions and characteristics of appearance of shadow economy at economic crisis. Positive and negative aspects of the shadow economy in the micro- and macro-economic and social levels also determined. Particular attention was paid to the problem of transforming informal sector to formal socio-economic activities.
Scientific novelty. The study found patterns of emergence and formation of shadow socio-economic relations in conditions of regional and global economic crisis, the positive and negative features of the informal sector in case of small and medium-sized businesses.
The practical significance. The significance of the results is to apply theoretical positions in forecasting regional socio-geographical changes in the conditions of economic crisis and its solutions for regional sustainable development.
Keywords: economic crisis, the shadow economy, society.
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The purpose of the article. This article deals with the features of agriculture of Slutsk district, Minsk region, analyzes the structural changes in the agricultural area between 1990 and 2015 and their causes, as well as prospects for the development of the agrarian sector of the region.
Methods.On the basis of processing of data of district center of statistics, Department of agriculture and food of the Slutsk district executive committee it has been revealed that there were considerable changes in the structure of agricultural production.
Results. Optimization of the structure of the agricultural sector is capable of providing balanced development of all its major branches, to bring the processing in line with raw materials base, to optimize raw material zones of the processing enterprises. This is particularly true for Slutsk district, which industry specializes in processing of agricultural production and has the largest in the republic food production.
Scientific novelty. This study is a part of research on the economy of the Slutsk district, and one of the chapters of the textbook "The geography of the Slutsk district," which is planned to release
The practical significances. Considering that the subject on studying of the area is included into the program of school geography, and materials on her are absent in the textbook, this work can have great practical value. Materials can be used not only at lessons of geography and in out-of-class work with pupils, but also will be useful to all who are interested in the native land.
Keywords: agriculture, structural changes, Slutsk District
1. Natsyonalnыi statystycheskyi komytet Respublyky Belarus – Rezhym dostupa:
2. Dannыe Slutskoho raionnoho tsentra statystyky
3. Materyalы upravlenyia selskoho khoziaistva y prodovolstvyia Slutskoho
Objective. Transport infrastructure is an extremely important part of the city. Therefore, geographical research in domain of transport infrastructure is crucial for the future improvements and development of transport model. Firstly, we propose to start with theoretical discourse about public transport as an object of human-geographical study.
The method is based on the analysis and synthesis of existing sources in domain of transport geography research (Ukrainian and foreign).
Results. It is determined that geography of public transportation is an important part of transport geography. If previous researchers defined transport geography as a branch of the social and economic geography, and regional geography of transportation as part of the transport geography, we defined the geography of public transportation as a unit of regional geography of transportation. The author exemplified an updated B. Redin’s transport classification scheme by appointment. The indicators of human-geographical analysis of urban public transportation are determined.
Scientific novelty consists of author's ideas on how to determine the scientific unit of transport geography - geography of public transportation, its object and subject of study.
The practical significance. The main practical value of geography of public transportation study is plans and recommendations developed for improving the production and population placement in terms of minimizing transportation costs, optimization of traffic flows within the existing local transport systems of cities, development of transport systems of all levels.
Keywords: transport geography, urban public transportation, geography of public transportation, territorial transport system.
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Goal. The study is to develop recommendations for optimizing organizational and managerial trends transforming the agricultural sector, prioritize their implementation at the regional level.
Method. The study was conducted by analyzing the literature available literature on this subject and build on the basis of their own structure transformation. Processed materials available statistics organizational and management transformation of the region on which is built cards transforming the region.
Results. Theoretical, methodological and practical problems of the agricultural sector transformation processes at regional level. The tendencies and prospects of development of these processes in agriculture Lviv on individual components of transformation. Are compared and conducted a detailed analysis of the structure transformation by different scientists. The structure of scientific novelty transforming the agricultural sector: structural, functional, organizational, administrative and territorial transformation. The main focus of research conducted on the characteristics organizational and management transformation. The composition of each type transformations conducted their analysis and perspectives in agriculture.
Science novelty. Proposals Agrarian Transformation sphere structure: strukturnыe, funktsyonalnыe, organizational and upravlencheskye terrytoryalnыe and Transformation. Primary focus of the study osuschestvleno Features ohanyzatsyyno upravlencheskoy Transformation. Opredelenы sostavlyayuschye kazhdogo type transformations performed s analysis and prospects in the Agrarian field.
Practical meaning. Thesis there is determined the strengths and weaknesses within the transformation of the agricultural sector, which should be given more attention in the preparation of the program of the agricultural sector in the region in the future.
Keywords: transformation, agriculture, social transformation, reform.
1. Ansoff I. Stratehycheskoe management; Per. with English. / J. Ansoff.- St. Petersburg. : Piter, 1999 - 416p.
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4. Zapototskyy C. Features tool to attract investment to the region // C. Zapototskyy / Journal of Social and Economic Geography of Ukraine. - 2008. - № 4. - P. 134-141.
5. Zakharchenko VI Transformation processes in industrial territorial systems Ukraine / V.I. Zakharchenko. - Ball: Hypanis, 2004. - 647 p.
6. M. Osipov Theory economy: Textbook. : 3 t. - Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow. University Press, 1998. - T. 3: Transformation Hozyaystvennaya dynamics and transitions. Neoэkonomycheskoe economy. - 607s.
7. Panibratska A.V. stages of the geographical study of the energy sector of Ukraine // Ukrainian Geographical Journal. - 2000. - №2. - P. 20-24.
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9. Yanyshyn Y.S. Optimization areas of market transformation of the agricultural sector in the region: Thesis. Dis. on competition sciences. degree candidate. Econ. Sciences specials. 08.07.02 "Economy Agriculture and agribusiness" / YS Yanyshyn. - Exactly, 2006. - 20 s.
The aim is an estimation of the state and tendencies of development of demographic potential of settlements in Chernihiv region.
The methods. The combination of theoretical and empirical methods, which were used in the study, gave an opportunity to investigate demographic potential of settlements in a more reliable way. In order to solve the assigned tasks, the following methods were applied: monographic – in studying of scientific sources; abstract and logical - for theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions; statistical analysis - to determine the trends in functioning of demographic potential.
The results. Demographic potential of settlements in Chernihiv region is characterized by a tendency to further decline, which is due to the migration activity of residents and natural decrease of population. Dynamic changes of quantitative and qualitative parameters of the demographic potential in Chernihiv region have significantly transformed the settlement network. Reduction of population in settlements and their further transition to groups of lower population enhance the trend of small habitability of the region.
The scientific novelty. By using the results of the analysis of demographic potential of settlements in Chernihiv region, territorial differences in its formation and reproduction were discovered.
The practical significance. The paper analyzes the quantitative and qualitative parameters of demographic potential of settlements in Chernihiv region. The results of diagnostics of demographic potential could be used in the development of complex programs of resettlement and in the formation of the monitoring system of demographic development of urban and rural settlements in Chernihiv region.
Keywords: demographic potential, urban areas, rural settlements, population size of settlements.
1. Department of Statistics in Chernihiv region [Electronic resource]: Access:
2. Zaslavska T.I. The human potential in the modern transformation process / T.I. Zaslavska // Social Sciences and the Present. - 2005. - № 4. - P. 13-25.
3. The Population of Chernihiv region in 2013: Demographic Yearbook / [ed. T.V. Dus]. - Chernihiv: Department of Statistics in Chernihiv region, 2014. – 147 p.
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5. Ryazantsev S.V. Demographic potential as a basis for the development of system of higher education: tutorial / Ryazantsev S.V., Aydrus I.A., Pysmenna E.V. - Moscow: Russian University of Peoples' Friendship, 2008. - 258 p.
Goal: The article is devoted on space-time analysis of foreign direct investments in the oblast region as an example of Chernihiv region.
Methodology: several steps have been taken in order to determine foreign direct investment of Chernigiv region: collection of statistical information, determine the distribution of foreign direct investment by investor-countries and economic activities, analysis of changes in foreign direct investment during the period from 1995 to 2014.
Results: revealed that in the Chernihiv region there is a significant disparity in the distribution of investments as between different economic sectors, territorial units and amounts of income from various investors. The largest investor countries are Germany, Poland, Cyprus. In the region is a territory where there are no foreign direct investment.
Scientific novelty: it was founded the peculiarities of distribution in foreign direct investment on economic sectors and administrative districts of Chernigov region.
The practical significance: investigated the differences in attracting foreign direct investment in districts and cities of Chernihiv regions, which allowed to show the level of their investment activity and possible ways of strengthening.
Keywords: foreign direct investment, investor countries, Chernihiv region.
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7. O.O Kulik Foreign investment inUkraine / O.O.Kulik // Ukr. Geography. Magazine. – 2000. – №1. – Р.9 – 15
8. V. Oliynyk Investment and Innovation in the regions of Ukraine and performance of its activity and intensity / V. Oleinik, O.A Topchieva // Journal socio-economic geography: mizhrehion. Coll. Science. works. – Kharkiv Karazin Kharkiv National University Karazin, 2008. – Vol. 4 (1). – P. 95 – 101.
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Purpose. Irrational territorial organization of the domestic economy in Ukraine requires a comprehensive analysis of the devastating environmental impact caused by various types of nature using followed by further substantiation of problem-solving ways. Geography ecologization aims to research the interrelation in ecogeosystems and integrate acquired knowledge into practice of territorial planning and management.
Methods. Research methods are based on systematic analysis and general principles of objectivity, causality, actualism and evolutionary. The most frequently-used and versatile method is systematic because eco-geographical research is inherently complex. Ecogeography methodological basis consists of field, descriptive, stationary and semi-stationary methods, as well as mapping, modeling, aerospace and GIS methods, natural environment monitoring etc.
Results. Ecogeography is designed to justify solutions to global, regional and local environmental problems through the application of theoretical concepts and research methods of geography. General algorithm of eco-geographical research aims to achieve the main goal – science-based ecogeosystems optimization. A meaningful eco-geographical research consists of the steps focused on the social needs research and control of practical results implementation. Practical significance of the eco-geographical studies substantiates their constructive nature.
Scientific novelty. Eco-geographical research object and subject are clearly defined. General algorithm and methodological framework of eco-geographical study are presented.
Practical significance. Practical implementation of eco-geographical research results provides operative ecogeosystems management and well-timed warning about deviations from the defined parameters. Ecogeosystems interrelations research should be primarily focused on the integration of acquired knowledge into practice of territorial planning and management. Particular tasks cover narrower issues and deal with different sectors of society – industry, agriculture, urban planning, forestry management and more.
Keywords: nature using, ecogeography, geographical environment, ecogeosystems optimization, ecologization of geography.
1. Grodzinsky M.D. Basics of Landscape Ecology: textbook / M.D. Grodzinsky. – K.: Lybid, 1993. – 224 p.
2. Zhekulin V.S. The ecological paradigm in geography and USSR Geographical Society objectives / V.S. Zhekulin, S.B. Lavrov, B.S. Horev // Reports of the All-Union Geographical Society. – 1987. – Т. 119. – Publ. 6. – P. 504-511.
3. Isachenko A.G. Ecologized geography from Herodotus to the present day / A.G. Isachenko // Reports of the All-Union Geographical Society. – 1994. – T. 126. – Publ. 2. – P. 26-34.
4. Isachenko A.G. Introduction to environmental geography: textbook / A.G. Isachenko. – St. Petersburg: Publishing St. Petersburg University, 2003. – 192 p.
5. Milkov F.N. Geoecology and eco-geography: their content and development prospects / F.N. Milkov // Reports of RAS. – Series geography. – 1997. – № 3. – P. 31-39.
6. Pashchenko V.M. Basic concepts and problems of ecological and geographical research / V.M. Pashchenko // Ukrainian Geographical Journal. – 1994. – № 4. – P. 8-16.
7.Troll C. Landscape Ecology (Geoecology) and Biogeocenology. Terminological research / Troll C. // Reports of the USSR Academy of sciences. Series geography. – 1972. – № 3. – P. 114-120.
Objective: to analyze current realities and use of forests Smuharskyh waterfalls in recreation and tourism.
Methodology: to conduct research used retrospective methods, spatial analysis methods and physiographic field research.
Practical value: is the use of generalized retrospective and contemporary aspects use of forests and waterfalls Smuharskyh for predicting their use in recreation and tourism.
Results: the current state of forest resources and Smuharsky waterfalls.
Scientific novelty: a theoretical study of the current state of forest management, analysis of the causes and consequences of economic forest. An possibilities of using forests and waterfalls in the recreation and tourism.
Keywords: Bukovina Carpathians, Smuharski waterfalls, forests, recreational use.
1. Hensiruk SA The history of forestry in Ukraine. / SA Hensiruk, AI Furdychko, VS Cooper. - Lviv: Type-in "World", 1995 - P. 4.
2. Environment Ukraine. Statistical Yearbook. - K.: - 2003. - 310 p.
3. Environment of Ukraine. Statistical Yearbook. - K .: - 2005. - P. 15-70.
4. Kilinska C. Ecological and prognostic evaluation of natural diversity hospordarskoyi Carpatho-Podolsk region of Ukraine. / K. Kilinska. - Monograph. - Chernivtsi: - GTD-in "Ruta". - 2007. - S. 80-81, 177-186, 279-289.
5. K. Kilinska variety of recreational and tourist Chernivtsi region: current state assessment and prospects. / Karl Kilinski, T. Scutari. - Monograph. - Chernivtsi: Chernivtsi National University, 2013. - 284 p.
6. Environment Bukovina, 2003. - Chernivtsi, 2004. - 26 p. (manuscript).
Purpose. The purpose of the article the necessity of complex geo-ecological assessment of Sevastopol for landscape planning.
Methods. The analysis and synthesis of existing approaches to geo-ecological assessment. The study of the complex problems of the city related to its specialization and the development of history. Definition of a set of parameters for a comprehensive assessment of the city.
Results. Analyzed existing approaches to geo-ecological assessment of the territory. The urgency of the territory geoecological evaluation. The technique of geo-ecological assessment of the territory of Sevastopol. To identify and support a set of parameters to evaluate the geo-ecological situation is used to determine the load on the territory.
Scientific novelty. Identify and justify the set of parameters to evaluate the geo-ecological situation. This will determine the degree of the load on the territory.
Practical value. The proposed method will allow conducting a comprehensive inter-agency monitoring of the state of the urbanized territories. Data obtained because of geo-ecological assessment will help determine the reasonable recommendations on optimization of the urban environment.
Key words: city ecological evaluation, city ecology, landscape planning
1.1. Blinova OA, Korol T.O. Geo-ecological approaches to the assessment of coastal areas of the Crimea // Regional environmental problems, – 2015. - №3. - P. 80 - 86
2.Kirillov SN, Polovinkina J.S. Complex geoecological estimation of Volgograd territory // Vestn. Volgogr. state Univ. Ser. 3, Econ. Ecol. - 2011. - № 1 (18). - P. 239 -245
3.Kochurov, B.I. Ekodiagnosis and balanced development: Textbook. Benefit / BI Kochurov. - M.: Smolensk: Magenta, 2003. - 384 p.
4.Paskhina M.V. Geoecological estimation of urbanized areas for urban planning purposes, PhD thesis. Moscow, - 2013.
1.Agapova Iryna Volodymyrivna – student of country-studies and international relations department, Faculty of International Relations, East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine.
2.Andrusyak Natalya Stepanivna – PhD, associate professor, assistant of Social Geography and recreational nature department, Faculty of geography, Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi national University,Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail:
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3.Antoniak Emelian Georgijovych – student of Geography and Management of Tourism and Faculty of Geography, Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail:
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4.Afonina Olena Oleksiyivna – candidate of Geographical Sciences, associate professor, Assistant Professor of of Geography Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography, Mykola Gogol State University of Nizhyn, Nizhyn,Ukraine е-mail:
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5.Bazan Ol’ga Aleksandrovna – Student of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Naturally-Geographical, University of Economics and Humanities Named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne, Ukraine
6.Blinova Olga Aleksandrovna – Postgraduate Student of Environment Management Department, Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, e-mail:
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7.Buchko Zhanna Ivanivna – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Geography and Management of Tourism and Faculty of Geography, Yuri Fedkovich Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail:
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8.Bulba Yuliya Mykhailivna – Postgraduate Student of Geography Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography, Mykola Gogol State University of Nizhyn, Nizhyn,Ukraine е-mail:
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9.Vakarova Natalya Vasilyevna – student of Geography and Tourism Department, faculty of naturally-geographical, University of Economics and Humanities Named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne, Ukraine.
10.Vynnychenko Ihor Ivanovych – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Geography and Tourism, Geography Faculty, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, m. Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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11.Gavrylenko Olena Petrivna – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, assistant professor of Physical Geography and Geoecology department, Faculty of Geography, Kyiv Taras Shevchenko National University, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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12.Gladka Kateryna Mykolaivna – Student of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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13.Dmytriieva Kateryna Evginivna – Postgraduate Student of Department of Economic and Social Geography, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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14.Ilyina Olga Viktorivna – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Tourism and Hotel Industry Department, Faculty of Geography, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine., e-mail:
15.Ishchenko Tatiana Ivanivna – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Food Technology and restaurant Department, Faculty of hotel and restaurant and tourism business, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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16.Enikova Valentina Fyodorovna – Teacher of Geography State educational institution«Gymnasium № 1 of town Slutsk», Slutsk, Republic of Belarus, e-mail:
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17.Kilinskа Claudia Yosypivna – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor, Head of Social Geography and recreational nature Department, Faculty of Geography Yuriy Fedkovich Chernivtsi national University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine.
18.Kozlyk Oksana Mikolaivna – Student of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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19.Kozlovskyi Yevgen Viktorovych – PhD in Public Administration, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of International Tourism Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: е
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20.Kolotukha Ihor Oleksandrovych – Postgraduate Student of Department of Economic and Social Geography, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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21.Kal’ko Andriy Dmitrovich – doctor of geographical sciences, professor, Head of Geography and Tourism Department, dean of faculty of naturally-geographical, International University of Economics and Humanities Named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne, Ukraine, e-mail:
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22.Kopachynska Galina Vasyljevna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, associated professor of country-studies and international relations department, Faculty of International Relations, East European National University named after Lesya Ukrainka, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail:
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23.Kravets Taras Myroslavovych – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, lecturer systems and appliances artillery reconnaissance Department of the National Academy of the Army named after Hetman Sahaidachny, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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24.Krul Galina Yaroslavivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Geography and Management of Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography; Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail:
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25.Levasuk Natalia Viktorivna – student of Ukraine geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
26.Makarenko Peter Oleksandrovych – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Scientific researcher of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukrasine, e-mail:
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27.Mazurets Roman Ruslanovych – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, associated professor of tourism and hospitality department, Faculty of Tourist and Hotel Business, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.
28.Medvid Iryna Mykolaivna – Assistant of. Food Technology and restaurant Department, Faculty of hotel and restaurant and tourism business National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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29.Мironets Nіnа Rоsтislаvoвnа – of historical sciences, associate professor,dean of faculty of European education, International University of Economics and Humanities Named after Academician Stepan Demianchuk, Rivne, Ukraine.
30.Netrobchuk Iryna Markivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Physical Geography Department, Faculty of Geography Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine, е-mail:
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31.Palamaryuk Maria Yurijivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Assistant Professor of Economic Geography and Environmental Management Department; Faculty of Geography; Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, e-mail:
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32.Pasichnyk Mykhailo Petrovych – master of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department, Faculty of Geography, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail:
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33.Pasichnyk Nataliia Volodymyrivna – student of Tourism and Hospitality Management Department, Faculty of Geography, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk, Ukraine, e-mail: markevі
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34.Petryna Natalia Vasylivna – Candidate of geographical sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Ukraine geography Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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35.Rudneva Marina Grygorjivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Assistant professor of tourism and hospitality department, Faculty of Tourist and Hotel Business, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine.
36.Rudnichenko Yuliia Anatoliivna – Student of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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37.Smyrnov Igor Georgiyovich – doctor of geography sciences, professor, Professor of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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38.Filonenko Iryna Mykolaivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, associate professor, Assistant Professor of of Geography Department, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Geography, Mykola Gogol State University of Nizhyn, Nizhyn,Ukraine е-mail:
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39.Fokina Anastasia Mukolaevna – Student of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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40.Shydlovska Olena Bronislavivna – Candidate of Geographic Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Food Technology and restaurant Department, Faculty of hotel and restaurant and tourism business,, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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41.Shevela Yana Sergiivna – student of. Food Technology and restaurant Department, Faculty of hotel and restaurant and tourism business, National University of Food Technologies, Kyiv, Ukraine e-mail:
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42.Shparaga Tetiana Iliodorivna – Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Assistant Professor of Geography and Tourism Department, Faculty of Geography, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail:
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Last Updated on Friday, 07 April 2017 10:26 |