Issue 16 |
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І. MATERIALS OF INTERNATIONAL ROUND TABLE «UKRAINE-ITALY: COLLABORATION IN TOURISM INDUSTRY» Montekiyari A., Carfagna E. La formazione nel settore turistico Il mercato del lavoro, nel settore turistico, data la sua complessità, in Italia presenta una richiesta di personale altamente qualificato, che le Istituzioni formative non riescono ancora a soddisfare. La risposta va impostata in termini di filiera formativa, a livello orizzontale, fra istituzioni con vocazioni affini, e verticale, fra i diversi gradi di istruzione, con particolare attenzione, a tutti i livelli, alla creazione di una collaborazione efficace con gli operatori, pubblici e privati, del settore. Lubitseva O.O. Regional analysis of personnel training for tourism in Ukraine System of personnel training for tourism, formed in Ukraine for times of independence, considered in the dynamics of the licensed process of these educational services and after the levels of preparation. Basic attention is spared a regional analysis on accordance of the licensed volumes of preparation of specialists on tourism the level of development of tourism industry and necessities of organizers of tourist activity. Key words: personnel training, tourism, licensed process, accreditation. The article analyses the experience of international cooperation in the training of tourism specialists as well as gives reasons for the necessity of deepening of the international integration on both practical and theoretical levels of students training. Key words: education for the tourism sphere, model of specialists training, branch standard, competence approach, professional practice, practical training, volunteering. Kulinich M.T., Shimaskaya I.L. Supply and demand in the tourism market «Ukraine – Italy» In the article analyzes the supply and demand in the tourist market "Ukraine - Italy." Also there are information about the popularity of certain types of tourism in this market among different groups of tourists. Represented essence of M.Porter’s competitive advantages theory in application to touristic business, especially national rhombus concept and competition’s five forces model. Shown ways of using of competition’s five forces model and strategic groups map creation on the example of travel company, which is organizing Italian tours. The article reviews the experience of organization of the International Tourism Exhibition (Borsa Internazionale del Turismo) in Milan in Italy, to meet the needs of different categories of visitors and ensure efficiency in the international tourism market national tourist product of Italy. Bezugliy V.V. Pre-conditions development of cognitive tourism in Italy The basic features of placing of cultural and historical recreational resources are considered of Italy. It's exposed basic possibilities of cognitive tourism in a country. Te paper present the concept of the draft “On rural tourism and agrotourism. The international and national experience of legal provisions of rural tourism and agrotourism is taken into account. Italian experience of legal provisions of agrotourism is analysed voith the aim of developing legal aspects of agrotourism in Ukraine. The article examines the role and place of Scouting in educating children and youth, offered a new model of participation scouting organization in the development of a specialized school (Lyceum of International tourism) identified the possibility of international cooperation between Ukraine and Italy in the scouting field. Keywords: scouting, YO "Kyiv Scouts", international cooperation, scouts movement in Italy. In the article disclosed the modern state of tourism flows between Chernivtsi region of Ukraine and Italy. It was offer a statistics data about the state of inbound and outbound tourism in the region. For the help of the coefficient of tourist exchanges was analysed major trends in the formation of tourist flows. The main reasons was detected the predominance of outbound tourism on inbound tourism . Key words: international travel, inbound tourism, outbound tourism, tourist flows. Smyrnov I.G., Kovalevsch L.V. Lake Garda – tourist pearl in northern Italy Recreational potential of the largest lake in northern Italy – Lake Garda, which is now one of the largest and the most famous resort of southern Europe is revealed. This lake is, unfortunately, not known and popular among Ukrainian tourists. II. GEOGRAPHY OF RECREATION AND TOURISM: THEORETICAL AND APPLIED ISSUES The publication considered methodological approaches to the creation of recreational and tourist passport area before general and characterological information about basic blocks and informative subbloks passport found classification approaches to certification of natural and recreational resources. Keywords: recreation and nature tourism, recreation and tourist passport territory, geopolitical and economic and geographic characteristics, culture, recreation, sports and tourism. natural environment and natural resources in order to rest and recovery. The article deals with theoretical and methodological basis of a brand new alternative kind of tourism - Ethnic cultural and festival, its potential and territorial aspect of development. It offers specific recommendations for future development and promoting of festival tourism in Ukraine. Key words: ethnic tourism, ethnographic tourism, the cultural tourism, the cultural object, the festival tourism, festivals classification, geography of festival tourism. It is considered the conception of sanatoria and resort sphere, which is a part of recreation. The place of sanatoria and resort sphere among other forms of recreation is shown and its main three functions are defined. The model of functional structure of a resort has been developed; among its parts the specific and general infrastructure are defined. The division of sanatoria and resort institutions at specialized and general ones is proposed. The national and regional characteristics of quantity and capacity of sanatoria and resort and health-improving institutions in Ukraine are analyzed. The measurements on improving the sanatoria and resort sphere of Ukraine are proposed. Keywords: sanatoria and resort sphere; infrastructure; sanatoria and resort institutions. Shevchuk O.V. To question of recreation use of caves The article disclosed and described the content of the concept of recreational caving as an example of rational use of karst caves. The world experience of management and protection of recreational karst caves on the example of the Australian Speleological Federation were generalized. General provisions of "The Minimal Impact Caving Code" were adapted. Zhurayeva K.A. Estimation of the global practice of applying innovative technologies in tourism This article discusses the evaluation of the global practice of applying innovative technologies in tourism. The problems associated with use of opportunities of the global computer network Internet business travel agencies, tourist accommodation facilities for online advertising, substantiate the benefits to firms from the tourism industry of virtual tourism, highlighted the potential of computer technologies and implementing new projects in the world. Chechenya O.V. Factors that impact on tourism sector The investigated conditions of functioning the tourism sector . Identified factors of influence on the tourism sector and presented their classification. Key words: tourism sector, factors of influence, classification. Penderetskyy O.V. Source for tourism industry Carpathian social and geographical area This rating factors of industrial tourism Carpathian social and geographical area. In terms of restructuring of economic complex of the land established prerogatives of industrial tourism as determining the structure of a promising model of tourism industry Key words: industrial tourism, factors, natural resources, ecological situation, advertising, Carpathian socio-geographical area. The value of recreational complex is exposed, the basic groups of factors, their composition and degree of influence, on development and placing of recreational complex of the Podilskyi region of Ukraine are considered. This article is devoted to analysis of the quantity of different kinds of tourists, which are coming to Capital social–geographical district and another eight districts of Ukraine. Key words: to Capital social–geographical district, the quantity of different kinds of tourists. The paper presents the integrated assessment attractiveness of recreational and tourist resources of Chernovtsy region for the newly developed technique. Evaluation of integrated attractiveness – consists of individual assessments attractiveness of natural, historical, cultural, economic and social recreational and tourist resources as well as taking into account the factor of environmental stability and attractiveness factors of certain types of resources. Key words: recreational-tourism resources, recreational-tourism attractiveness of the territory, integral estimation of recreational-tourism resources. Conducted retrospective analysis of the specific geographical formation Morshyn spa resort on the market of international health and recreational services. Traced the evolution of the resort from a single private institution to seasonal type of polyfunctional balneoklimatic resort center of international class. Key words: spa, health profile, the market for recreational services. Omelyanenko K.D. Perspective for speleotourism regions of Ukraine The theme of the given article is an overview of the resource base that can be required for the development of speleotourism in Ukraine as well as the description of caves adapted for the mass tourism in Crimea and Podillya. Key words: Speleotourism, caves, tourism, Podillya, Crimea. ІІІ. REGIONAL AND HUMAN GEOGRAPHY: TOPICAL ISSUES Functionally component structure of housing and public utility sector of region were exposed. A structure, organization and features of functioning of housing and public utility sector as the constituent public-geographical complex of region on the example in the Zhitomir region were investigational. Key words: housing and public utility sector, gas service, water-supply equipment, sewage disposal. Klimchuk B.P. Human and geographic research of small enterprise Human and geographic research of small enterprise were considered. Human and geographic essence of small enterprise maintenance and the basic his classificationof taxons were exposed and certained. The features of forming and development of small enterprise were exposed. Key words: small enterprise, economy of the country, market economy, form of economic activity. Stafiychuk V.I. International organizations as an agent of political globalization The article reveals the role of certain international organizations in the process of political globalization of the World-System. The typology of international organizations is performed according to their role in the process of political globalization. Key words: political globalization, agent of globalization, international organization, index of political globalization Savchuk I.G. Russian contemporality researchs the national economy export orientated Analizeted the contemporality tendens in human geography research the national economy export orientatedin Russian national economy and social geography scoul. Present the theoretical and methodological particularity difference branchs the fenomen for Russian collegues. Has scientifical bref characteristic the important publications the principal specialists in the problem in contemporality Russian geography. In the article is analysed the modern state of borderland transport infrastructure of the Western-Ukrainianregion, that points of admission through a state boundary in the section of countries of neighbours of first-order. On the basis of the conducted researches the basic strategic reference-points of development of a frontier transport infrastructure are set forth for the correction of imperfection of work of transport. Keywords: Western-Ukrainian borderland region (WUR); borderland transport infrastructure, borderland points of admission. The significant features of demography situation and migration actives population districts (the Kyiv Region Oblast) is considered in the article. Key words: demography situation, migration actives, population. The spatial features of distribution of morbidity in Krivbass region are investigated in the article. For society geographical analysis analytical possibilities GIS are applied. Dependence is set between morbidity of population and state of environment. Keywords: old industry region, society geographical analysis, pollution of environment, morbidity of population, ecologically dependent illnesses. The Article "Background of formation and functioning of the main features of the electronic media industries" explores main features of the electronic media industries, as well as the impact of social media on society. Ivanova O.S. The origins of research on melogeography This article examines the history of folklore studies in such Slavic countries as Ukraine, Russia and Belarus. It’s also studies the ethnomusicology’s contribution in development and promotion of traditional folk music. Key words: melogeography, folklore, traditional folk music, ethnomusicology’s, studies of folk music. Eliseeva K.V. Influence of the Transport Sector on National Competitiveness In the article the quantitative and qualitative influence of transport sector on country's competititveness is analyzed. The main ways of competitive position of Ukraine increase are overviewed. Keywords: competitiveness, transport infrastructure, transport services The current state and regional features of agro-industrial production market in Ukraine are characterized. The foundation of competitive agro-industrial market mechanism formation and basic principles of providing with its competitiveness are disclosed. Keywords: Competitiveness of foodproducts, forms of menage organizational and legal, and territorial specialization of economy, infrastructure, forms of organization of production, state regional policy. Medovar B.L. Capital cities as phenomenon of spatial organization of society The article is on the specialized city identification, historical and political aspects of the capital city status as for its cultural and economic life and as for social arrangement. The economic tendencies of the capital cities are presented in the terms of global city concept. The terms “old capital” and “new capital” are reasoned. The grounds of the new capital cities foundation are presented. Key words: capital city, specialized city, world city, global city, world center, urbanization. Mamedova O.O. Trade specialization analysis of Scandinavian Countries The article represents the results of calculation of competitive advantages of Scandinavian countries. Analysis of trade specialization in Norway, Sweden and Finland was based on foreign trade and revealed competitive advantages. Key words: trade specialization, competitive advantages, Scandinavian countries. IV. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY: THEORY AND PRACTICE Afanasiev O.E. Forming of scientific concepts of nature-use in historical geography The formation of historical and geographical scientific concepts of nature-use as a complex system «man – nature» are considered. Theoretical and methodological achievements of scientists-foundators of separate scientific direction of historical geography - regional nature-use history had been studied. Key words: history of regional nature-use, historical geography, the system «man – nature». Kal’ko A.D. Structurally geographical features of concept “national safety” The article is logical continuation of row of publications, devoted alizu types of national safety from the point of view geographical science. Determination of categories of concept are resulted and grounded “national safety of the state” the constituent of which is raw mineral-material safety.. Key words: national safety, mineral resources, raw mineral-material safety, minerals. Dmytruk O.U., Kachetkova I.V. For question of determination recreation landscape Going is examined near determination landscape for recreation and the criteria of his selection are offered. Key words: recreation landscape, recreational use of natural resources, anthropogenic landscape. Volovik V.M. Ukrainian rural cultural landscapes The article examines the features of the structure of Ukrainian rural cultural landscapes Podolia. Analyzed the definition and etymology of the word "village", establishing connections with ethno-cultural characteristics of regional ethnic culture. Highlighted the general patterns of evolutionarily related rural cultural landscapes: Yard (dvorysche) - village - a village in rural and peripheral areas of cultural landscapes. Keywords: culture, ethnic culture, countryside, rural cultural landscape, Ukrainian. Existing climatologic and meteorological data of the Zaporizhya region are collected and systematized Key words: hydrometeorological features, recreational landscapes, recreation. Galagan O.O., Gayday S.V., Boyko Y.V. Assessment of water quality ponds Sovskyh cascade of Kyiv Determined by chemical contamination in nitrates, nitrites, phosphates, and the level of toxicity of water ponds Sovskyh Kyiv. Key words: chemical contamination, toxicness, Sovskyh cascade In this work are discussed the recreational facilities in Kherson and Mykolaiv regions in the wetlands, realized a comparative analysis of these objects with the natural park "Kopacki-Rit" in Croatia, calculated ratios of recreational and recreational capacity. |