Issue 14 |
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І. DEVELOPMENT OF ENTRANCE, INTERNAL TOURISM AND EXCURSION ACTIVITY Suggests ways of forming a network of tourism for the efficient and sustainable development of tourism in Ukraine. The essence «Economy of exclusivity» as factor of formation of competitiveness of tourist branch is opened. The basic attention is concentrated to finding-out of technologies of formation of unique tourist places and sights, features of designing on this basis of corresponding impressions. Keywords: economics of exclusivity, competitiveness, technologies of formation of tourist places. Shandor F.F. Zakarpattya: regional problems in tourist branch in context of EURO-2012 This article analyzes the recreational and tourism potential Podolsko-Bukovinsky region and provides the main principles of strategy to increase competitiveness of the tourism sector in the context of preparations for Euro 2012. Key words: Podolsko- Bukovinsky region, a tourist area, the strategy of competitiveness. Represented historical figure of Sofia Witt-Potocka, whoth name is connected with three touristic vonders of Ukraine – National Dendrological Park “Sofiyivka” in Uman, National Historical and Architectural Reservation “Kamenets” and Fortress of Hotyn. Articles material is interesting for tourists – soccer fans EURO-2012 (especially for Polishes and Greeks), and for them there is a sense to propose a one-day trip from Kyiv to National Dendrological Park "“Sofiyivka” in Uman. Рассмотрены памятники природы Дагестана постоянно посещаемые, не посещаемые или эпизодические посещаемые туристами и экскурсантами объектов историко-природного, антропогенно-историко-природного и физико-географического характера. Pestushko V.Y. Statistical accounting problems of inbound tourism in Ukraine Article is devoted to statistical accounting on inbound tourism market in Ukraine, shows the mismatch between the volume of flows of foreign tourists and incomes from exports of travel services, reveals their reasons. The wine tourism market of Ukrainian Black Sea region, its present state of development, tourist proposals as well as major objects producing wine tourism services are analyzed. Key words: Wine tourism, wine, wine therapy, wine tasting halls, wine producers, wine festivals. Gileckiy Y.R. Classification of tourist and recreational resources of the earth's shells The article reveals the essence of the article developed by the author of the classification of tourist and recreational resources on the basis of the established in geographical science approach to allocate zemnіe shell. It is proposed to distinguish between natural and geographic and socio-geographical tourism and recreationalresources. Key words: natural and geographical tourism and recreation resources, socio-geographical tourism and recreation resources. In the article is characterized the process of forming the tourist-excursion programs in Ukraine on eve EURO-2012 The article is devoted to research the problem of mutual relation between a cultural heritage and tourism. The practical and theoretical experience of the adaptation of a history and culture places of Transcarpathia to functioning in tourist sphere is analysed. Key words: cultural heritage, tourism, regional geography, cultural geography. Considered and analyzed the current state of tourism potential of Lviv as the host citiesfor Euro-2012 and the criteria of the tourist image of the city. Keywords: tourism potential, event tourism, tourism image, reputation. Bruk S.D. Dynamics of foreign tourism in Ukraine and Germany behind the data 2000-2010 years The statistics of tourists’ flow (arrivals), and statistics of tourist’s receipts and expenditures of the international tourism in the Ukraine and Germany in 2000–2010 are described in this article. Balance of the international tourism in the Ukraine is estimated. Key words: international tourism, inbound tourism, outbound tourism, tourist arrivals. Pavlenko T.M. Historical and cultural recreational resources of Poltava region Historical and cultural recreational resources are estimated. The estimation is based on the index of density (number of objects per unit of area). The importance of special events as resources is determined. Biosocial recreational resources and special cultural atmosphere of Poltava region are examined. Key words: tourism, recreation, recreational resources, estimation, events, biosocial resources, Poltava region. Moklica Y.V. The classificational aspects of the tourism potential in Lutsk The analysis of actual for the Lutsk city tourism types and categories according to the common standard was made in the paper. The potential tourist groups (aimed groups) are introduced and proved. The article also presents the tourism development of the city in correlation between tourism types and other typical travel characteristics – distance, time, means, etc. Key words: tourism potential, tourism product, tourism types. The theme of the publication is an overview of the characteristics and comparison of the resource base of the caves of Ukraine and Slovakia. As well as possible ways of development of organized speleotourism in Ukraine. Key words: Speleotourism, Slovakia, caves, Caves Administration In this article analyzed the role of the urban architecture in the organization and growth of the town attractiveness. As an example, consider the Kharkiv estates, their architecture and measures for effective implementation of the attractiveness these facilities. Key words: architecture, attractiveness of the city, tourists complex, estates. This article reveals essential features of the culinary tourism, discussing its basic types, it determines a specific tourism potential of the Western Ukraine culinary heritage. Keywords: culinary tourism; culinary heritage; national cuisine traditions; culinary art; coffee, chocolate and wine tours. Khovalko A.B. Podolsky cave region as prospect is for the tourist providing Euro-2012 The rotined prospect of the excursion use of karst cave region of Podillya is for Euro-2012. Attention is accented on the calculations of comfort, capacity, unconcern of the spelaean systems. Key words: cave systems, tourist attractiveness, tourist safety. Posohov I.S. Small historic cities of Ukraine as markers of tourist attactivity of regions The article reviews the status and prospects of tourism in small historic cities of Ukraine. The proposals to improve their tourism infrastructure through the formation of diverse, co-ordinated tourism centers are given. Keywords: tourism, small historical cities, Euro 2012. Stepanec N.P. Rural settlements as road center Tourist Destinations The article is devoted to the potential opportunities of rural areas in the formation of the tourist product on the example of Vinnytsia region. Theoretically, the advisability and necessity of tourist flow in Destinations villages. ІІ. ORGANIZATION AND LEGAL PROBLEMS TOURIST GUIDING OF EURO 2012 Charakterized special features of polish necropolises with its gravestones as touristic resourse. Shown peculiarities of the biggest and most famous graveyards in Poland (including Warsaw’s “Powazki”, Kracow’s “Wawel” and “Rakowice”, Zakopane’s, Plock’s graveyards etc.), as well as beyond its boundaries, especially “Lychakow” cemetery in Lviv (Ukraine), “Rossa” cemetery in Vilnius (Lithuania), Polish graves in Paris cemeteries “Pere-Lachaise” and – “Montmartre” (France). Key words: necropolis as touristic resource, Polish necropolises in Poland(Warsaw, Krakow, Zakopane, Plock ), Ukraine (Lviv), Lithuania (Vilnius). Uvarova G.Sh. Formation of the positive tourist image of Ukrainian cities – hosts of Euro 2012 The article analyzes the peculiarities of the Ukrainian cities image at the preparatory stage of the European Football Championship and offers the ways to increase the cities’ attractiveness and to create their positive tourist image. Key words: tourist image, positive reputation, image politics, branding. Bozhuk T.I. Formation of religious-tourist industry The paper considers spatial sacral systems and sacral infrastructure issues. The model of the modern religious tourism industry functional structure is developed and proposed. Key words: religious-tourist industry, infrastructural provisions. The role of transport in tourism and its importance on the regional level in connection with conducting of Euro 2012 have been considered in the article. The condition of transport complex of Ivano-Frankivsk region, including road, rail and air transport have been analysed. The recommendations for improving the transportation system in terms of tourism have been suggested. Keywords: Euro 2012, tourism, tourist traffic, Ivano-Frankivsk region. This article is devoted the theme of the informative providing and advertising of tourist possibilities of Ukraine, of view to the fact of urgency problem of insufficient amount of high-quality informative material. Existent problems and weak points the removal of which will become the guarantee of achievement of the expected results of productive labour are reflected in the article. This article describes the main tourist routes, preparing for Euro 2012 and identified key problems and prospects of tourism of Ukraine in the context of Euro 2012. This article analyzes the Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in preparing for the UEFA European Football Championship. Particular attention is given to recreational and tourist facilities and infrastructure in the area. The main problem in preparation of improving the tourism industry in the border area. Keywords: EURO 2012, tourism, border region, the Ukrainian-Polish cooperation, cross-border infrastructure. Pleshivcova M.V. Organisation of child tourism in Ukraine The article illustrates the current state and prospects of development of children tourism in Ukraine. Options for improving the child tourism management machinery in Ukraine are offered. Ключові слова: дитячий туризм, вікова періодизація, дитячий оздоровчий табір, апарат управління дитячим туризмом в Україні, Український центр дитячого туризму, тематичні парки розваг, Конвенція ООН про права дитини. ІІІ. DEVELOPMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE, MATERIAL AND TECHNICAL BASE OF TOURISM The necessity of modernization of Ukraine’s aviation is underlined as a factor of increase of the state’s competitiveness in the world tourist market. The discipline «Aviation and tourism» contents and its role in preparation of the masters of tourism in the National aviation university are uncovered. Key words: transport infrastructure, aviation, tourism. Krzysztof Parzych, Czapliński Paweł Etyka w zarządzaniu przedsiębiorstwem turystycznym Hostels became the most dynamically growing accommodation sector in Krakow. There are about 93 hostels, which appeared to be the additional support to the accommodation facilities of the city, giving over 4 thousand accommodation places. The hostels are mainly located in Old town district, which is the most attractive part of the city. Thanks to the informal hostel standards many of them are at the similar level, sometimes similar to the 1,2,or 3 stars hotels.The development of Krakow’s hostels is strongly correlated to the growing need for accommodation facilities. Describe new ways of estimating the attractiveness and ease of landscapes Zaporizhia region for development of recreational activities based on the domestic landscape diversity. Key words: recreational activities, attractiveness, natural-resource potential. In the article the analysis of strategic development of tourism Of ukraine and the attempt to construct an algorithm of the modern approach to tourism management in the conditions of globalization and development on this basis of practical recommendations on optimization of the further development of the national market of tourist services. Key words: tourist market, the strategy for tourism development, globalization, іпоказники tourism development. The article analyzes the current level of development of transport and trade infrastructure in the Chernovtsy region, as most components attraction recreational and tourist areas. At the present stage of integration of tourism industry in social relations more widely evident in the comprehensive profile of the transport sector and trade sector. Key words: recreational-tourism attractiveness of the territory, transport and trade infrastructure, density of railways, trade area, material base, attractiveness. The history of development of accommodation facilities in L’viv is enlightened with the use of the literature of that time. The history of formation of hotels by types is described. The present conditions of the hotels and their further development are analyzed. Key words: hotel, boarding house, hotel category, city of L’viv. Brunets B.R. tourism infrastructure of the city state on the eve of EURO – 2012 In the article analyzes the state of tourism infrastructure in Lviv region in the context of preparations for the championship of soccer Euro 2012. " Namely: characterize the state of the transport connection, and establishes the presence of the base of tourist accommodation and recreation, their compliance with international requirements. Pointed to the shortcomings of existing mateorіalno facilities and the ways of its improvement. Key words: tourism,, a tourist infrastructure, transport, establishments of accommodation, rest. Melnyk LV., Sobchenko A.V. Social and geographical analysis of food security of Ukraine The article explores the concept of regional food security as a component of national food security, factors of its formation and ways of improvement; characterizes the regional differences in consumption of basic foodstuffs and the current state of regional food security of Ukraine; proved that the decision of food problems of the country and its regions depends on the effective use of natural and resource, scientific and technical, industrial and social potentials of each region. Keywords: food security, regional food security, the level of food security. Hanych N. M. Essence of concept hotel service The maintenance of concept “hotel service”, interpretation of different authors, their specification and the main kinds are considered in the article. Key words: hotel, hotel service. Borisuk O.A. Airport – element regional aviation system Reveals the structur and status of regional air transportation system of Ukraine. Study the airport as the main backbone elements and its value in the "EURO-2012. Key words: regional air transport system, airport, airfield, hierarchical levels of air tanks. Zuraeva K.A. Innovative technologies in tourism This article discusses the problem of the opportunities the World Wide Web in the activities of travel agencies, the manner in tourism advertising networks, justified by the benefits to firms of the tourism industry of virtual tourism, highlights the potential of computer technology and theintroduction of new projects. Dmitrieva K.E. Directions and trends in development of restaurant facilities of Ukraine in the field of the EURO-2012 The problems and opportunities of restaurant facilities of Ukraine are considered. Efficiency measures are specified in the field aspect of the EURO-2012. Key words: restaurant facilities, EURO-2012, trends and possibilities of development. Gegedyush A.A.., Gritsak Y.S. Globalization - key trend world labour market This research reveals the influence of economic globalization on the modern global labor market in different directions. Explained the positive and negative aspects of globalization on the labor market in Ukraine. Keywords: labor market, economic globalization, employment structure, workforce. IV. INFORMATIVE AND SKILLED PROVIDING OF TOURISM The problems of co-operation of tourist activity, cultural tourism and mass culture are analysed in the article. Description of communicative functions of cultural tourism is given in the context of global processes . Key words: cultural tourism, communication, mass culture, information. Duk N.M., Gorb K.M. Customs direction in the cartographic providing of the international tourism In the article the analysis of the tourist mapping and tourist maps is conducted as the important part of the informative providing of inbound and departure tourism. In this system the separate block of maps (the maps of customs subjects) is distinguished, their actuality is motivated, their types and the main objects of mapping are presented in the generalized form. The suggestions concerning their use in the light of preparation to realization of the soccer championship of "EURO-2012" are done. Keywords: tourist formalities, customs rules, tourist maps of customs subjects. Tourists flow for both countries and their structure were analyzed. Possible effect of joint work between two countries as a result of visa-free system establishment was defined. Key words: visa-free system, tourists flow, joint work. Features of the territorial organization of regional and trans-regional tourist routes within the Rivne region are discussed in the article. Prerequisites of tourism framework and perspectives of its development are characterized. Keywords: tourist route, touring frame, tourist and recreational potential Lola Y.Y., Kis O.P. Organizational structure of the tourist information center in Ukraine Researched the disadvantages of tourism in our country and the benefits of international experience, the necessity of tourist information centers development in Ukraine are founded, a model of the organizational structure of the tourist information center in Kharkov region are built. Reviewed is history of personnel training for tourism industry in higher educational institutions of USSR, the general description of its todays state being included in Ukraine. / Institute of International Relations National Aviation University. Key words: tourism, tourism industry, personnel for tourism., service, tourism specialties. Research of problem of fluidity of skilled workers on the Lviv tour operators and her influence on functioning of enterprises Analysed problem of fluidity of skilled workers on the Lviv tour operators and presented methods of prevention of development of this negative phenomenon. Keywords: fluidity of skilled workers, coefficient of fluidity of skilled workers. Micho O.I. Innovative approaches in training of the specialists in tourism sphere In the article the approaches to the innovation in the training of the specialists in tourism were defined. The current state and prospects of the guides’ training were analyzed in the system of lifelong learning. The article is focused on the need to develop of the motivation and training of the volunteers for the large sport and other events. Keywords: innovation, innovation in tourism, guiding, lifelong learning, volunteering. Yrchenko E.E. Geographical aspects of formation of the region tourist image The article shows the necessity of region image promotion in tourist market. A scheme creating the image of tourism in a chain: cultural and geographical image - tourist image and tourist brand is given. |