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Saturday, 15 October 2022 09:25 |
UDC: 911.3 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2022.68.29-37 Huseynova Turana Institute of Geography Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Azerbaijan, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it AN EVALUATION OF THE LIFE QUALITY AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX (ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE GREATER CAUCASUS PROVINCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN) Purpose. All socio-economic reforms implemented in the country are aimed at improving the quality of life of the population. Thus, despite the implementation of a plethora of social reforms, there are still issues in this area. The quality of life of the population is influenced by demographic indicators, population health indicators, education level, income and other factors. Based on these indicators, the level of development of the region is determined. The essential purpose of the study is to determine the living standards of the population in the region, to investigate the causes of the identified problems, identify areas for their elimination, and make scientifically sound proposals. The results of the study may be one of the ways to increase the human development index in the region in the future. Research method. The analysis is based on the data of the Institute of Geography of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, the State Statistics Committee, and the works of scientists who have conducted research in the economic and social spheres. The study analyses the primary results of socio-economic reforms in the country, the current state of demographic development, the problems in this area and their solutions. Statistical analysis, comparative analysis and generalisation methods were used in the research process. Results. The longevity and healthy lifestyle of the population should be ensured in the regions. This is important for increasing the productive activity and social welfare of the population. Health and life expectancy depend on the quality of health care in the country, as well as in the regions. For this purpose, the application of state-of-the-art technologies in health care and the training of qualified personnel will allow achieve high results. Quality health care and a healthy lifestyle are likely to increase life expectancy in the regions. Scientific innovations. For the first time, the article examines the assessment of the quality of life of the population in the economic regions of the Greater Caucasus province. The analysis of the average life expectancy, education level, and income of the population in the studied area according to statistical indicators is given. These indicators were calculated based on current statistics and changes in this area were investigated from various aspects. It was determined that the quality of life of the population is formed under the influence of social, economic and demographic factors. The analysis indicates that the socio-economic processes taking place in the country have a direct impact on the lives of the population. Thus, during the transition period, socio-economic difficulties, loss of business opportunities, and reduced incomes in the social sphere had a negative impact on the quality of life of the population. Thus, in order to improve the welfare of the population in the Republic of Azerbaijan, in order to achieve greater success on the path to human development in the future, a purposeful state policy or certain action plan should be implemented in the regions, including the Greater Caucasus province. Practical importance. The results and recommendations of the research can be used in the implementation of measures and programs to improve the quality of life of the population in the Greater Caucasus province. Keywords: Human Development Index, life quality, average life expectancy at birth, educational level, incomes of population. References 1. Demographic indicators of Azerbaijan, 2021, 560 p. (in Aze.) 2. Regions of Azerbaijan, 2021, 844 p. (in Aze.) 3. Women and men in Azerbaijan, 2021, 232 p. (in Aze.) 4. National accounts of Azerbaijan, 2021, 149 p. (in Aze.) 5. Central Bank of the Republic of Azerbaijan, annual report-2015, 85 p. (in Aze.) 6. Geography of the Republic of Azerbaijan "Regional Geography" Volume III. Edited by Akad.R.M.Mammadov. ANAS, Institute of Geography named after academician HA Aliyev. Baku: Europe, 2015, 400 p. (in Aze.) 7. Eminov Z.N. Population of Azerbaijan, Baku: Chirag, 2005, 558 p. (in Aze.) 8. Aliyev A., Gasimov N., Actual problems of raising the living standards of the population in Azerbaijan. Baku, Azerbaijan, 2000, 124 p. (in Aze.) 9. Guliyev J.B. Living standards: socio-economic factors that cause and reduce poverty. Baku, Europe, 2011, 240 p. 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Last Updated on Saturday, 15 October 2022 09:27 |