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UDC 338.48 (460) https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2021.63.16-24

Kulakovskyi Petro Mykhailovych, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor National University of Ostroh Academy, Ostroh, Ukraine,

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The purpose: Analysis of the primary tendency and dynamics of international tourism in Catalonia in conditions of political uncertainty after the referendum on October 1, 2017, on the independence of the community.

Methods: In the process of writing the article were used methods such as analytical, chorological, correlation, statistical. The author relied upon the method of tourist zoning, based on the fact that Catalonia is a territory with certain signs of autocracy. This area in terms of development cycles has entered its third stage, characterized by the achievement of tourist capacity and a change in the attitude of the population to foreign tourists.

Results: Examining the development of international tourism, the author concluded that the 2017 referendum had a moderate impact on Catalonia's tourism sector. The catastrophic decline in tourist flows didn't happen, as was the case in Tunisia or Egypt. Insignificant to some extent the number of foreign tourists to the community even increased, but their pace of growth began to lag behind the Spanish and several communities in the country, in particular the Canary Islands, Valencia, Madrid.

Scientific novelty: Catalonia's authorities' intention to leave the kingdom was traced to influence one of the most developed areas of the regional economy – tourism, in particular its most profitable sector, focused on a foreign visitor. It is proved, that there is no significant decrease in the arrival of tourists from abroad, given the excellent infrastructure and political uncertainty of the future relations between Barcelona and Madrid. At the same time, the atmosphere of hospitality and financial indicators of tourist service establishments.

Practical significance: The example of Catalonia demonstrates that any political turbulence affects international tourism. Positive tourist image of the region/country, good-adjusted to the needs of tourists the sphere of services, and the absence of significant political shocks can mitigate this effect as much as possible, although they cannot neutralize it.

Keywords: referendum, Catalonia, tourism, political uncertainty, tourism phobia.


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Last Updated on Thursday, 14 July 2022 10:37