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Wednesday, 14 April 2021 13:46 |
UDC 379:85 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2020.59.22-28 Tyshchenko Svitlana Volodymyrivna, Candidate af Economic Sciences Associate professor Polissia Natianal University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Chernyshova Taisiіa Nikolaevna, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Polissia Natianal University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Mutasova Snizhana Anatoliivna, candidate of biological sciences, associate professor Polissia Natianal University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it USE OF ORGANIZATION AND ENGINEERING IN EVENT TOURISM The article discusses the main problems of the implementation of event tourism in certain territories, which primarily include: short-term event; the scale of the event; placement in a natural area; lack of sufficient means of accommodation and services for tourists; style of events and the like. Goal. Development of an effective system of organizational and technical support for event tourism events. Methodology. The main research methods, in order to achieve the goal, are the analysis of engineering support, the classification of mobile homes for event tourism and the modeling of requirements for them based on the system analysis of event tourism technologies. Results. The organizational and technical support of event tourism activities proposed in the article will reduce the technogenic load on the local natural landscapes of natural areas in the places where event events are held. This will contribute to the formation of a higher culture, the style of their conduct, which will make it possible to undertake events of event tourism in regions that are even more attractive to a wide audience of tourists not only in our country, but also abroad. This method of organizational and technical support can also be used for holding rallies, forums, conferences and other events. Important for the success of the development of event tourism and the correct organization of organizational and engineering support is the formation of a calendar of events, which makes it possible to approach all future events in a planned manner, from the point of view of engineering and technical support, later will give its positive results. Scientific novelty. The current state of the use of mobile houses in event tourism on the territory of Ukraine is analyzed for the first time. For the first time, the calendar of the territory of the Stanishovskaya OTG of the Zhytomyr region was compiled for 2020-2021. Practical significance of the study lies in the fact that the compiled calendar of event tourism will be used by OTG "Stanishovskaya" in full and taking into account our recommendations regarding the holding of mass events. Key words: event tourism, camping, mobile homes, event calendar, organizational and engineering support. References: 1. Alekseeva O. V. Sobыtyinыi turyzm y yvent-menedzhment. Rossyiskoe predprynymatelstvo. 2011. 6(2). S. 167–172. 2. Babkyn A. V. Spetsyalnыe vydы turyzma: ucheb. posobye. M.: Sovetskyi sport, 2008. 208s. 3. Hryhorashchuk I. «Trali-vali festyval» abo podiievyi turyzm. Zhurnal «Turbiznes». №7-8 (13–14). 2008. S. 1 -15. 4. Davydenko I. V.. Dominanty rynku podiievoho turyzmu. Materialy mizhnarodnoi naukovo-praktychnoi konferentsii «Perspektyvy rozvytku nauky v suchasnomu sviti», 2012. S. 97–103. 5. Ermakov A. S., Korneev A. 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Last Updated on Friday, 16 April 2021 12:25 |