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Wednesday, 10 February 2021 15:51 |
UDC 911.3 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2020.55.3-12 Shushniak Volodymyr Mykolayovych, PhD, Associate Professor, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: shushniak@gmail.com Savka Halyna Stepanivna, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Shandra Yuri Yaroslavovych, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: yuriyshandra@gmail.com
Objective: On the basis of general geographical analysis to reveal the tourist potential of the Main European watershed on the territory of Ukraine. Method. General scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization as well as cartographic methods by the means of GIS have been used. Results:The peculiarities of the geographical location of the Main European Watershed on a European scale have been analyzed. New facts from the history of its research have been presented. A hypsometric profile along the watershed line has been constructed, its morphometric parameters have been determined. With the help of detailed cartographic analysis, the Ukrainian section of the Main European Watershed line has been identified. Its location in relation to the physical and geographical zoning has been determined. A regional analysis of tourist facilities attractiveness on the watershed line has been conducted. Cross-border and domestic transport opportunities for access to the watershed line have been assessed. The coordinate reference of the most important orohydrographic elements - the points of watersheds intersection of large transboundary rivers basins: Danube, Vistula, Dniester, Dnieper, as well as their tourist significance have been specified. Possibilities of tourist use of nature reserve fund objects which are located on the watershed line have been revealed, in particular of such national natural parks, as Uzhanian National Nature Park, Boikivschyna National Nature Park, Yavorivskyi National Park, Northern Podillia, Shatsk National Natural Park. The importance of the watershed for sustainable (ecologically oriented) tourism development in international biosphere reserves: "The Eastern Carpathians" (Slovak-Ukrainian-Polish), "Roztochia" (Ukrainian-Polish), "Western Polissya" (Polish-Ukrainian-Belarusian) has been demonstrated. Touristic assessment of historical and cultural sites located on the watershed line has been conducted. The importance of the city of Lviv as a separate tourist destination has been emphasized. Environmental problems related to the development of tourist resources have been outlined. Selected tourist clusters of the destination have been identified, the possibilities of their use have been revealed. The Main European Watershed specifics in general tourist resources classification have been emphasized. Scientific novelty: For the first time, the Main European Watershed has been considered as a separate integrated tourist destination, its detailed geographical analysis has been performed, and a cluster approach has been used to assess the tourist resources located on the watershed line. Practical significance. The results of the study will contribute to the integration process of Ukraine into the European tourist area, give impetus to new tourist routes planning, promote the development of tourist resources of national natural and regional landscape parks, support tourist clusters planning and developing. Key words: Main European watershed, tourist destination, tourist cluster, river basin. References 1. Apollov B. A. Ucheniye o rekakh / Apollov B. A. – M.: Izdatelstvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 1951. – 522 s. (In Russian).
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Надійшла до редколегії /Received Editorial Board 17.06.2020 |
Last Updated on Thursday, 14 July 2022 16:22 |