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Monday, 25 May 2020 10:29 |
UDC: 911.3:338.483 https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.54.10-17 Romaniv Andriy Stepanovych, PhD in Geographic, Associate Professor, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering, Rivne, Ukraine, e-mail: romaniva@ukr.net
The purpose of the study is the analysis of the peculiarities of the organization of budget-limited combined tourist trips through the European countries by private transport as a kind of backpacking. Methods. The paper uses comparison, analysis, synthesis and generalization. The development of tourist routes heavily involved cartographic methods as well as expert assessment of those who took group tours. Results. The study analyses theoretical approaches to the concept of backpacking and its varieties and defines what kind of trips by private transport can be classified as backpacking. Based on the personal experience, we demonstrated organizational, economic and geographic aspects of such trips among domestic tourists as well as directions of further development. We presented examples of organization of two combined trips of tourist groups that involved different kinds of touristic and recreational activities: city excursions, mountaineering, recreation at the sea and lakes. Despite the variety of considered trips, their main purpose was the organization of mountain trekking and climbing peaks. One of the trip's primary destination was the highest peak of Austria, Mount Großglockner and the eponymous high-mountain motorway in the Hohe Tauern National Park. The backpacking trip that took place in July 2019 included trekking through the territory of the Triglav National Park and climbing the highest peak of Slovenia. The main criteria that classify this trip as backpacking are the following: low budget thanks to living in tents and preparing own food; the organization of the trip as a whole as well as trekking routes by the participants themselves without involvement of professional guides. Scientific novelty. The paper studies tours through Europe by private transport as a kind of backpacking tours and the peculiarities of their organization. Practical significance. The suggested variants of tourist trips can be used by self-organized groups as well as professional guides. Another part of European experience that could be useful for Ukraine is the organization of accommodation in the mountains and camping places as well as the system of registration and tourist fees that exist in European countries. The introduction of this practice in Ukraine would encourage better organization of self-organized tourism in the country and filling local budgets and would allow for improvements to the ecological situation in certain popular recreational regions. Keywords: backpacking, tracking route, camping, mountain shelter, national park. References 1. Alpine Association of Slovenia - URL: https://www.pzs.si 2. Atamanyuk Y. D. Peculiarities of the development of amateur tourism / Y. Д. Atamanyuk // Geography and Tourism. - 2015. - Issue 32. - P. 17-26. - URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/gt_2015_32_4 3. Bozhko L. D. Beckacking: Genesis and Evolution/L. Bozhko//International Herald: Culturology. Philology. Musicology. - 2015. - Issue 2. - P. 25-31. - URL: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/mvkfm_2015_2_7 4. Bozhko L. D. History of Beckpacking as new social practice of mobility in the epoch of globalization /L. Bozhko// Collection of scientific works of Kharkov National Pedagogical University named after G. S. Skovoroda. "History and Geography ". - 2013. - Issue 48. - P. 100-107. 5. Backpacker Tourism: Concepts and Profiles / eds.: Kevin Hannam, Irena Ateljevic. – Channel View Publications, 2007. 284 р. 6. Bell C. The big ‘OE’: Young New Zealand Travellers as Secular Pilgrims / Claudia Bell // Tourist Studies. – 2002. – N2. – P.143-158. 7. Pearce P.L. The Backpacker Phenomenon: Preliminary Answers to Basic Questions / Philip L. Pearce. – Townsville : James Cook University of North Queensland, Department of Tourism, 1990. – 178 p. 8. The Global Nomad: Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice / eds.: Greg Richards, Julia Wilson. – Channel View Publications, 2004. – 298 p. |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 26 May 2020 15:56 |