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UDC 911.3:316:331:( 337-06)                                                                                                     https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.53.92-97

Vashchenko Oleksandra Volodymyrivna, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine




Aim. The purpose of this article is to assess the formation of the labor potential of the Kiev region from the standpoint of social geography.

Methodology The expediency of using a set of research methods with an emphasis on complementary and cross-checking methods — factor analysis, cluster analysis, index method, is substantiated. Moreover, both for calculations in order to determine the Kiev region among other regions and internally regional differences, it is proposed to analyze indicator indicators in the following sequence: normalization of indicator indicators (taking into account their stimulating and destimulating effect), calculation of aggregated indices - aggregation of indicator indicators into indices by aspects of labor potential; calculation of block indices of educational, cultural, medical, environmental, demographic and economic subsystems; calculation of the integral index of the development of labor potential.

Findings. The approaches to the socio-geographical assessment of the formation of the labor potential of the Kiev region are determined. The center-peripheral patterns of development of the labor potential of the districts of the Kiev region are determined. The existence of several distinct averaged center-peripheral patterns in the Kiev region has been discovered: with increasing order of neighborhood neighborhoods, labor potential grows; the value of the cultural development index, comes the value of the demographic, economic index, the value of the factor weights of the economic and cultural factor among the regions decreases.

The spatial model of the “center-periphery” is determined by the level of development of labor potential in the Kiev region, the center-peripheral patterns of its formation and use are confirmed and discovered.

Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty lies in the development of a spatial model of "center-periphery" in terms of the development of labor potential among the districts of the Kiev region.

Practical significance. This study is the basis for a comprehensive socio-geographical analysis of the development of the labor potential of the region. Its results can become the basis for establishing promising areas of growth in the labor potential of the Kiev region; delimitation of the spatial model of the “center-periphery” of the development of the labor potential of the region is aimed at taking into account its features when making managerial decisions. The features of the formation and use of labor potential in Ukraine and the corresponding influence of socio-geographical factors are disclosed. According to the integral rank of assessing the formation and use of labor potential, five groups of regions have been identified. This brief description of the distinguished groups of regions by their role in shaping the labor potential of their regional centers, in accordance with the level of economic diversification and the impact on the socio-cultural development of the region and the country as a whole, defined in the gender of socio-geographical factors of labor potential development.

Keywords. labor potential, “center-periphery” model, socio-geographical assessment, Kiev region.


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