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UDC 378.1:615.825                                                                                                                                  https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.53.35-44

Bielousova Natalyа Vladimirovna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, National aviation University of Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Skorostetska Olha Alexandrovna, National aviation University of Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it




Purpose. Consider a pilot project for the development and implementation of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism, where the experimental site is Cherkasy region, which has sufficient natural resources (465 objects of the region’s nature reserve fund that can be used for rehabilitation activities) and recreational and tourist potential for organizing and the practical implementation of rehabilitation assistance to people with inclusion through tourism services.

The technique. Analytical, comparative geographic and synthetic methods are used.

Results. The previous scientific researches in the resource-recreational, sanatorium and health-improving areas of research of the Cherkasy region, in which inclusive tourism is actively introduced, are analyzed. The directions of inclusive rehabilitation, the main rehabilitation functions of tourism in the form of a block diagram of the introduction of IRST in the system of rehabilitation services in the Cherkasy region are identified and factors limiting or affecting the possibility of organizing inclusive tourism are identified. Such models will help to understand the essence and structure of this regional project, which for the first time offers a comprehensive model of assistance in the form of tourism services (physical, psychological, rehabilitation, health-improving, sports, etc.), using professional medical care. A typical structure of the development and implementation of regional targeted programs in the field of inclusive tourism is proposed. Information is provided on the prospects of the results of a pilot project in the Cherkasy region, on the example of which one can identify problems and model the prospects for the development and implementation of inclusive rehabilitation and social tourism in Ukraine.

Scientific novelty. Briefly analyzed are those areas of human activity that relate to rehabilitation processes within the experimental territory, namely: tourist-excursion activities with inclusive tourists, especially people with disabilities, who are mostly doesn’t adapted to modern life perception, the work of rehabilitation centers, the availability of material and technical base, etc. A typical structure of the development and implementation of regional targeted programs in the field of inclusive tourism is proposed.

Practical significance. Publication materials can be used in the educational process in higher educational institutions that preparing specialists for the Ukrainian tourism industry, the practical activities of travel operators and agencies, in the process of work of departments and professional institutions that are related to the tourism system of providing services or processes of studying the implementation of innovative technologies in the tourism sector of Ukraine.

Key words: tourism, pilot project, rehabilitation, people with disabilities, inclusive tourists, rehabilitation functions of tourism, natural resources, recreational and tourist potential.


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