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Wednesday, 26 February 2020 16:03 |
https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.49.125-136 UDC 711.25 Syvak Oksana Olegovna, PhD in Geographic Sciences, State enterprise Ukrainian State Scientific-Research Institute of Urban Design «Dipromisto» named after Y.M.Bilokon, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Purpose: The article deals with the perspective development of recreation within the area of Lymanska amalgamated hromada in Donetska Oblast. These perspectives are defined on the materials of the projects of urban planning documentation. The basis for the further effective territorial development is the rational organization of the usage of territorial resources and other ones, as urban planning documentation is a strategic document for further territorial, demographic, economic and environmental development. Metods: The decision of the tasks was carried out on the basis of generalization and integration of scientific methods, methodology of constructive geography and territorial planning. Results: There are all opportunities for the development of the recreational sphere at Lymanska amalgamated hromada in consequence of nature-recreational resources. The author considers the boundary loads on the territory, defines the general threshold values of the recreational capacity of the territory for each project recreation areas and the further formation of their infrastructure. Scientific novelty: analyze the features of the rational use of available resources for the development of recreation at the level of a separate territorial community in the schemes of planning the territory The practical significance: The materials presented in the article are the basis for the territorial development of the recreational sphere of the Lyman hromada. Key words: schemes of territory planning, recreation sphere, territorial planning, recreational capacity. References 1.Beidyk O.O. Rekreatsiino-turystski resursy Ukrainy: Metodolohiia ta metodyka analizu, terminolohiia, raionuvannia: monohrafiia / O.O. Beidyk. – K.: VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2001. – 395 s. 2.Beidyk O.O. Rekreatsiini resursy Ukrainy: Navchalnyi posibnyk / O. O. Beidyk. – 2-he vyd. pererob. i dop. – K.: Alterpres, 2010. – 404 s 89. 3.Liubitseva O.O., Pankova Ye.V., Stafiichuk V.I. Turystychni resursy Ukrainy. Navchalnyi posibnyk. – K.: Alterpres, 2007. – 369 s. 4. Law of Ukraine «About the regulation of activity on urban Development» No.3038-VI from February 17, 2011. 5.Matsola V.I. Rekreatsiino-turystychnyi kompleks Ukrainy – Lviv, 1999. – 200. 6.Ukrainian State Construction Regulations. The composition and the content of the architectural town planning documentation at the national and regional levels: B 1.1-13:2012, Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine, 2012. 7.Ukrainian State Construction Regulations. Composition and content of planning scheme territory, on which the powers of village, settlement, city councils are exercised: B 1.1-21:2017, Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing of Ukraine, 2018. 8.Planning Scheme of Donetsk region (State Enterprise «DIPROMISTO», Kyiv, 2010). 9.Planning Scheme of Lyman region within the area Lyman amalgamated hromada in Donetska Oblast (State Enterprise «DIPROMISTO», Kyiv, 2018). Rudenko V. P. Heohrafiia pryrodno-resursnoho potentsialu Ukrainy / V.P.Rudenko. – Lviv : Svit, 1993. – 240 s. |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 15:19 |