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UDC 711.56, 435

Plehkanovska Alla Myxajlivna, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it t




Goal. The article presents the author's method for differentiating the territory of the city according to its historical and architectural potential, in order to determine the most investment-attractive sites for the placement of tourist infrastructure objects.

Method. Historical, grapho-analytical methods of research, methods of mathematical modeling and method of expert evaluation were used. Using the historical method, the presence of cultural heritage objects within the settlement is established and a historical and architectural support plan is developed. With the help of the grapho-analytical method and mathematical modeling, a qualimetric assessment of the quality of the placement of cultural heritage objects in the planning structure of the city is determined. Taking into account their importance, obtained on the basis of expert evaluation, the historical and architectural potential of the city’s territories and their investment attractiveness for locating various functional objects, in particular, tourist infrastructure objects, is determined.

Results. A new method of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the historical and architectural potential of the territory of a small historical city has been developed.

Scientific novelty. A new grapho-analytical method has been developed for the qualimetric assessment of the territory of a historical settlement according to its historical and architectural potential, taking into account the spatial localization and significance of cultural heritage sites. A generalized quantitative assessment of the historical settlement on the nature of the placement of cultural heritage in its planning structure is proposed.

Practical significance. The application of the method will allow for the establishment of the most investment-attractive territories of the historical city in order to develop a system of tourist infrastructure facilities, reconstruction and new construction of objects of various functional purposes. Testing is performed on the example of the city of Tulchin, Vinnitsa region, Ukraine.

Key words: historical town, cultural heritage monument, tourist attraction, tourist infrastructure, investment potential.


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 15:03