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UDC 338.467.6

Havrylova Olena Viktorivna, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Separated Subdivision «Mykolaiv Branch of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts», Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it




Goal. The purpose of the article is consider the possibility of introducing innovations in relation to new or existing tourist products in Mykolaiv region.

Method. In the process of writing the article, methods of theoretical analysis were used.

Results. The article is devoted to the implementation and innovations of tourism product in Mykolaiv region. The possibilities of introducing innovations in relation to new or existing tourist products in the Mykolaiv region are considered. The types of innovations in tourism are analyzed, opportunities of tourist potential of Mykolayiv region are analyzed, perspective tourism types and priorities of development of the tourist market of Mykolayiv region are determined.

Scientific novelty. We have revealed that the development of the tourist industry in Mykolaiv region requires the implementation of innovative technologies for the creation of high-quality competitive tourism products. The types of innovations in tourism with examples of their application have been determined.

The practical significance. We have defined the prospective types of tourism industry for Mykolayiv region such as expedition tourism (ethnographic, archaeological, ornithological, ecological, etc.), agrotourism, village green tourism; technogenic tourism; psychological tourism; esoteric tourism, extreme tourism. The most popular types of tourism are extreme and adventure tours, because of the tourists’ requires to get the maximum emotions from the tourism product. Digu tourism, speleological tourism, roofing, stalk tourism, post-palm, surviolism, mountain biking, skysurfing, base-jump, bungee jump and rope jumping. have better opportunities for development in Mykolayiv region.

Key words: tourism, innovations, tourism product innovations.


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 14:25