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Saturday, 15 February 2020 16:34 |
https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.51.45-50 UDC 379:85 Chernyshova Taisiya Nikolaevna, Candidate of Biological Sciences, National Argoecological University, Zhytomyr, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
FEATURES OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRO-TOURIST PRODUCT OF THE ZHITOMIR WORLD (ON THE EXAMPLE OF AGRICULTURAL HOUSE “POLESSKY DOM”) In the article on the example of activity of cultural and art center the "Polesye house" forming features and structural-functional descriptions of tourist product of rural tourism were analysed in the Zhytomyr region, and also the analysis of economic activity of агросадиби is conducted the "Polesye house" for three last years taking into account all types of activity. Goal. Analysis of economic activities at the agriturismo "Polesye house " and specific features of formation and structural-functional characteristics of the tourist product of rural tourism in the region. Method. For this purpose we used a range of complementary research methods: methods are systematic and statistical analysis, generalization and systematization. In the process of research used literary sources for rural tourism in Zhytomyr region and in the country, and Internet resources. Results. Analyzing the activities of the "Polesye house " farm for three years, we can conclude that: holidaymakers are active in April - July, with the largest number of tourists in May; the most popular services are: lunch, master classes, entertainment, souvenir shopping, quests; the highest revenue was recorded in May 2016-2018 and October 2018. The results of the study indicate that, in order to attract the modern tourist and to increase the target audience you need to constantly work on expanding the range of services. Therefore, at the present stage in the creation and establishment of a quality and profitable tourist product in rural tourism in the region must take into account different interests and preferences of tourists of different age and target audience and constantly work on expanding the range of services. Scientific novelty. For the first time analyzed the activities of the cultural arts center, "Polesye house " and performed a statistical analysis of its economic activities and peculiarities of the tourist product. Practical significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that proposals for the development and creation of tourist product in rural tourism, can be used at the regional level for improvement of territorial organization of the tourist complex. Key words: rural tourism, tourist product, property, economic activity.
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Received Editorial Board 30.09.19 |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 11:10 |