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 UDC 504.054

Hileta Liubov Andriyivna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Natural College of Lviv Ivan Franco University, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: kikka88@ukr.net.


 The aim of the study. Research the tourism and recreational activities of residents and visitors of the city of Lviv regarding the ecological state of green zones which perform a number of important functions, including social and environmental, which is to ensure that the residents of the city have the most favorable environmental conditions.

Method. It is analized that within the Lviv urban ecosystem a green zone is allocated, that is, a system of territories with green plantations in unoccupied open spaces within a city or suburban area which have ecological, economic, recreational and aesthetic importance. The tourist and recreational use of the green zone has a significant negative impact on its condition.

Results. The tourist and recreational activity of the residents of the Lviv urban ecosystem within the green zones is shown in walks, with pets included, mostly on unauthorized trampled trails, in organizing picnics, usually with the burning of fires, sports games and sunbathing and other, however, it is somewhat different depending on the type of green area and its affiliation with the nature reserve. Accordingly, the green areas of the Lviv urban ecosystem are exposed to such environmental effects as trampling of grass, which in turn leads to compaction of soil, compaction of the layer beneath, death of descending plants; collection of individual plants (usually flowers), which reduces the possibility of their self-renewal; mechanical damage to the green planting - a broken branch, kerf or notch on the trunk which cause infection of the trees with diseases and pests; contamination of the territory; burning of the upper layers of soil through unauthorized arrangement of fires, etc.

Scientific novelty. Here is described the ecological consequences of the impact of tourist and recreational activities, which are quite large in local terms.

Practical importance. It is stated that within the limits of the greenzones of the Lviv urban ecosystem, it is forbidden to damage and destroy trees, grass cover and equipment, consider a camp fire, arrange unauthorized rest places, passage and parking of transport, walk animals. But in order to reduce the negative impact of tourism and recreational activity on the state of the green zones of the urban ecosystem of Lviv, it is also necessary to introduce a system of management of the green zones of the city, which is, to create an interested administration.The well-established actions of the administration contribute primarily to the demarcation of the territory of the green areas, as well as to reduce the negative demonstration of recreational use of green areas.

Key words: green zone, tourist and recreational activity, ecological development



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Received Editorial Board 25.10.19

Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 11:07