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Saturday, 15 February 2020 16:28 |
https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.51.29-36 UDC: 338.48(477.43):911.3 Dolynska Olesya Olehivna, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
SOCIo-GEOGRAPHICAL ANALYSIS OF functioning TOURIST-REGIONAL COMPLEX IN KhmelnYtskyI region The aim of the study is a socio-geographical analysis of the development opportunities of the Khmelnitsky region regional tourist complex; study of social and geographical essence of regional tourist complexes and functioning of Khmelnitsky region tourist-regional complex in the context of Khmelnitsky region territorial organization and complex-proportional development and Ukrainian economy. Methods. The study uses general scientific and special methods of geographical science, namely: formal logic and systematization; mathematical and statistical; comparative geographical analysis; grouping, typing and zoning, cartography. The information base of the research consists of materials of the State statistics service of Ukraine and the Main Department in Khmelnitsky region, as well as abstracts and scientific publications in professional publications. A part of the information is taken from the official plans, strategies and other regulatory documents for the Khmelnytsky region tourism activities development and its administrative-territorial units. Results. The spatial regularities of the Khmelnitsky regional tourist complex are characterized and formulated. Modern problems of development of tourist complex of Khmelnitsky region are investigated; features of a modern state of development of tourist complex of Khmelnitsky region are revealed and disclosed. Theoretical generalizations of the regional tourist complex research of the semi-peripheral region of Ukraine can be used in carrying out the corresponding scientific researches of other similar regions, management of the regional tourist complex in the conditions of social transformations. Scientific novelty. Promising directions of the Khmelnitsky region regional tourist complex development received further development. The socio-geographical study approaches of the regional tourist complex have been improved. The factors analysis of Khmelnitsky tourist-regional complex functioning is carried out. The component, territorial and administrative aspects of the functional structure of the tourist-regional complex of Khmelnitsky region are analyzed on the basis of the structural analysis. Practical significance. The results of the research can be used: for strategic planning of economic and social regional development of semi-peripheral Ukrainian regions; in the development of measures to enhance and improve regional tourist complexes; in determining the priorities for the development of newly United territorial communities; for regional planning and forecasting activities, including the image and attractiveness of new tourist facilities. The obtained scientific results are used in the educational process of future specialists in the field of training "Tourism", with the educational qualification "Tourist expert, organizer of excursion and animation activities" in the teaching of disciplines "Local history and tourism", "Tourist work", "Recreational geography". Keywords: tourist regional complex, factors of tourist activity development, analysis of Khmelnitsky region tourist potential, resources and tourism activities. References 1. Hilberh T.H., Shorobura I.M., Dolynska O.O. Khmelnychchyna: Turystychnyi potentsial: nauk. vyd. Khmelnytskyi: Vydavets FOP Tsiupak A.A., 2013. 178 s. 2. Dolynska O. O. Balneolohichni resursy Khmelnytskoi oblasti. Heohrafiia ta turyzm: Nauk. zb. / Red. Kol.: Liubitseva O.O. (hol. red.) ta in. – K. Alfa-PIK, 2016. – Vyp 37. – S. 110-119. 3. Zhurba I. Ye. Stan vykorystannia rekreatsiinykh resursiv Khmelnytskoi oblasti v umovakh transformatsii ekonomiky. 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Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 11:03 |