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Saturday, 15 February 2020 16:21 |
UDC 332.1:911.372.32 Melikh Olena Oleksandrivna, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa, Ukraine, e-mail: olenamelikh2@gmail.com Kalmykova Iryna Semenivna, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa, Ukraine Trishyn Fedir Anatolijovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies, Odessa, Ukraine Melikh Taras Grygorijovych, PhD in Economics, Alfred Nobel University, Dnipro, Ukraine
FACTORS OF REGIONAL DIFFERENTIATION OF THE TOURISM INDUSTRY The aim. The purpose of the work is to identify the main factors of the divergence in the size and intensity of tourist flows in Ukraine by region. For this, the use of economic and mathematical models and methods is proposed. Research methods. The development of the tourism industry in any country is determined by such factors as political and social stability in the country; national politics and interethnic relations; conjuncture of the international tourism market; degree of state support for tourism; the state of the material base of tourism; investment attractiveness of the tourism industry; reasonable pricing policy; integration of domestic tourism in world tourism; demographic and social structure of the population; travel safety; the presence of highly qualified personnel; the existence of recreational areas; cataclysms of natural and technogenic environment, which are difficult to predict. The nature of the tourism industry causes a low level of reliability of forecasts because they all depend on a large number of factors. Moreover, the probability of a common risk multiplicatively depends on the probabilities of each of them. The research is based on the information provided by state institutions (State Statistics Service of Ukraine, regional state administrations, etc.). In the process of research used statistical, analytical, comparative methods (tabular, graphical). The main method in the diagnosis of the intensity of the flow is selected correlation and regression. The results. The conducted studies made it possible to analyze the current state and dynamics of tourist flows in Ukraine. The differentiation of tourist destinations of regions is shown. Provided recommendations for eliminating the intensity of falling trend of tourist flows in Ukraine. The focus of tourism business investors is on the timely investment in the labor potential of the industry. Scientific innovation. The scientific novelty is an optimistic and pessimistic forecast of regional tourist flows. It is proposed to associate with the use of economic and mathematical models indicators of the intensity of tourist flows for certain types of tourist movements. The importance of developing simultaneously all types of tourism services in the regional market is highlighted. Practical significance. The results of the study can be used in forecasting workplaces and objects of tourist business, in planning tourism activities, in the initial process of training tourism professionals. Of particular importance is this study among investors in the tourism business. In addition to investment areas, support is offered for the personnel potential of the industry. The most important activities that need to be implemented in the formation of the management system and concepts of development of the tourism industry of Ukraine are: improving the quality of life of the population and motivation for the return of young people after obtaining education in cities in rural areas through; creation of new jobs in the field of services (in hotels, tourist locations and attractions) opening summer labor camps for school and student youth; establishment of establishments of sanatorium-resort destination; restoration and improvement of engineering networks and development of infrastructure through, for example, the creation of a network of field aerodromes for light motor aviation and the like. Key words: tourist flows, trend of tourist flows, regional tourist destination. 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Received Editorial Board 03.10.19 |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 May 2020 10:54 |