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UDC 911.3:32

Zavarika Halyna Mykhailivna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, East Ukrainian National University nabbed after Volodimir Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it "> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Solodovnyk Anastasiia Vyacheslavivna, East Ukrainian National University nabbed after Volodimir Dahl, Severodonetsk, Ukraine




The purpose of the article is study the impact of the conflict period on development of international tourism.

Research Methodology. We use general scientific methods of research: system analysis, comparison, generalization. Realization was carried out by applying the principles of systematic and scientific. Much attention is paid to the historical approach.

Results. We consider the impact of the different kinds of conflicts on the development of international tourism. The reasons of the conflicts were study in different countries and regions of the world. The regional structure of conflicts was analyzed and importance of international tourism to improve conflict in countries and regions of the world. It is established that conflicts cause the destruction of tourism infrastructure, the decline of the tourism industry, threaten the lives of tourists, but there are countries that quickly eliminate the consequences of conflicts and tourism is quickly restored.

Scientific innovation. It is added information about the negative impact of the conflict period on the international tourism.

The practical significance is the ability to use the knowledge gained by travel companies and educational institutions in order to spread information about the safety of tourists.

Keywords: conflict, international tourism, conflict period, international security, terrorism.


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Last Updated on Thursday, 16 May 2019 17:20