v4318 |
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Thursday, 21 March 2019 16:28 |
https://doi.org/10.17721/2308-135X.2019.43.163-172 UDC 378 Stetskyi Vasyl Volodymyrovych, Candidate of Geography Sciences, Associate Professor, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Aim: To bring attention to and highlight the significant role of foreign-language training for students in the areas of geography and tourism training. I would also like to demonstrate the positive side of the "Studienreise in Duetschland" training program of the German Academic Student Exchange Service, including the development of practical skills in international tourism. Method: The study is to analyze and systematize information on the development of international tourism in Germany derived directly from residents of the country's tourism business. The subject of research is the applied aspects of international tourism in Germany as well as the experience of organizing and operating the international tourism. Result: The article deals with the applied principles of training students and specialists in the tourism industry in Germany and analysis of the causal aspects of the development and functioning of international tourism in keeping with modern information technologies and mobility of population. The acquired knowledge and practical experience of tourists studies in the future, can be applied in the international segment of tourist services as well. Scientific news: A number of tourists and methodologists in general, considered and proposed methodological guidelines and recommendations for the conduct of educational practices at the international level. Definitely the world tourist market has a powerful resource potential and has invaluable experience in organizing and providing services based on the use of numerical data for students in leading tourist centers of Germany as well as meetings with scientists and specialists The author of the study highlights and analyzes the main organizational and teaching-methods and types that will work during international tourist training programs. Practical significance: The issue of international tourist training practices has not been adequately addressed in literature. Materials of the proposed study, the specifics of this type of tourism was paid little attention. The study provides a better understanding of the beginnings of leisure tourism. Key words: international tourism, practical aspects of international tourism development, international educational practice, German hospitality. References: 1. Balabanov G.V. Tourism in the European Union: Global, National and Regional Dimensions / G.V. Balabanov // Strategy of Ukraine's Development (Economics, Sociology, Law). - 2015. - No. 2. - P. 29-33 2. Lyubitseva O.A. Problems of Professional Education in Tourism / О.A. Lyubitseva // Geography and Tourism: Science. save - K .: AlterPres, 2010. - Vip. 8. - p.109-113 3. Malska MP, Khudo V.V., Tsybukh V.I. Fundamentals of Tourism Business: Training Manual. / M.P. Malska, V.V. Khudo, VI Tsybukh - Kyiv: Center for Educational Literature, 2004. - 272 p. 4. Malska M.P., Antonyuk N.V. International Tourism and Services: Tutorial. / Malska M.P., Antonyuk N.V. - K .: Znania, 2008. - 661 p. 5. Povazshna L.I. Theoretical and methodical principles of practical training of future specialists in the tourism industry / L.I.Povazshna // Culture and education of tourism specialists: current trends and forecasts; materials III International Sciences. Prakt.konf. - K.: KUTEL, 2005. - P. 59-73. 6. Sorokina G.O. Tourist-local lore practice as a necessary condition for professional training of specialists in the tourism industry./ Г.О. Sorokina// Visnyk of Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko University. Series: Pedagogical Sciences. Part III. - 2013. - No. 18 (227). - P.130-135. 7. Stetskyi V.V. Use of the cultural and historical resources of the national historical-archaeological reserve "Olvia" for conducting student's educational practices / V.V.Stetskyi // Geography, economy and tourism: national and international experience / Materials of the XII International Scientific Conference. - Lviv, 2018. - P.295-299 |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 June 2019 07:26 |