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UDC 338.48:504.062

Pankiv Natalya Miroslavivna, Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor

Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Lviv, Ukraine, e-mail: pankivnatalya@gmail.com



Aim: replenishment the concept and terminology apparatus of tourismology and the content of the "tourist resources organization" concept, the determination of relevance and opportunities for its use.

The research methodology is based on the analysis of the temporal and content determinants of the term "organization" in various scientific studies and an attempt to bind to the tourism sector from the point of view of the territory tourist usage modern interpretation. Tourism is the kind of human activity that requires certain conditions regarding the resource provision of the tourist product and the maintenance of tourist services. To assure this, we need to understand the potential and real tourist resources possibilities of the territory usage.

Results: the article analyzes the existing approaches to the interpretation of the term "organization", since the tourism industry is based on the economic basis and commercial profit. In addition, the recognition of tourism as a scientific direction of research creates the need to replenish the concept and terminology apparatus, forming the theoretical component of tourismology.

The scientific novelty consists in determining the place of the system approach to organizing tourist resources in the sphere of tourism and proposing its own hierarchical structure of the tourist resources organization on the basis of the systematic approach usage.

Practical significance is in the basis theoretical substantiation of the tourist resources "organization" usage and its application in practice, taking into account factor analysis of the territory.

    Key words: organization, tourist resources, classification approaches, system approach, system of tourist resources.


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Last Updated on Wednesday, 05 June 2019 07:17